Jessica Davis Ramsey

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What Ever Happened to the BSC's own ballerina, Jessi Ramsey?

Jessi Ramsey (now Jessica Wades) went to NYU to study ballet. She was on her way to becoming an excellent ballerina when she suffered an injury to her ankle that caused her to move back home and give up her dreams of becoming a dancer. While back home, she took care of her sick Aunt Cecilia while her sister made wedding plans. It was here that Jessi realized what she should do. Aunt Cecilia told her to do it, right before she passed away, not long after the wedding. Jessi then went to school for several years to learn how to become fluent in ASL and how to help the deaf. Jessi now works as an aide at a school for the Deaf and Hearing Impaired. She married Clyde Wades who she met while volunteering at the senior center, something she does often now due to the time she spent with Aunt Cecelia in her old age. Her and Clyde live in Stamford, with their two daughters, Grace and Holly. They are in the process of adopting a little girl called Ruby, who is deaf. 

What Ever Happened to Jessi's little sister, Rebecca Ramsey

Becca Ramsey (now Rebecca Braddock) never left Stoneybrook. She communed to college where she studied to become a nurse, and still lived at home where she took care of her aging Aunt Cecilia. She married her high school sweetheart, Matthew Braddock, who is deaf. It was their marriage that inspired Jessi to go back to school and help the hearing impaired. Becca was inspired to become a nurse after one of her childhood best friends, Danielle Roberts, suffered from leukemia. Becca works at the Stoneybrook Hospital in the Children's Ward. Her and Matthew have one son together. 

What Ever Happened to Jessi's baby brother, John Philip Ramsey Jr., aka Squirt?

John Philip, also known as Squirt, went to law school. He is a successful lawyer in New York where he lives with his wife and two children. 

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