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My walk to the guest room that welcomed the injured boy was peaceful and way too fast for my liking.
I had meet none of the guards on my way which was odd, the mansion was like drowning in a silent death.
The decorations of the party earlier were still hanging around making it look like the castle of the sleeping beauty after her curse.

And talking about sleep, I saw the putty body of Haru laying on the bed drinking away in his handsomeness.
More or less, his body was covered up in bruises and cuts I had made, and strangely it added to his beauty. Only at these moments i really believe my thoughts are way too dark for an average human being.
But after all, I am nothing close to the norm.

My lips left a tired sigh subconsciously as an answer to my inner conscious talking to itself back and forth.
My legs soon took the initiative to move closer to the bed that hugged the look alike dead corpse on it.
Until I found myself close enough to the point of not creating too much temptation and not breaking my comfort zone,which meant almost a meter away from the bed, on a chair.

I have quite of a comfort zone if I might say.

" I am not gonna kiss you to wake up beauty "

Haru's lips moved into a forced tired smile showing that he was clearly awake despise his eyes being closed.
He didn't speak back to me, he didn't need to.

" I never regret, you probably deserved it. Don't expect apologies. "

His head shifted to my direction, his eyes never opened. Although I was secretly dying inside to see these gorgeous brown pupils.

" My sleep is light, you made too much noise while coming in. I expect an apology for that. "
It was my turn to smile, letting my walls down a little. Making me finally realize I want that smile in my life for the longest possible.




My last week entirely rounded around Haru, nursing him and taking care of one and each of his demands which by the way were quite selfishly asked.
But who am I to say no to any of them, my heart had softened for him and I was dying to see his smile when he got what he wanted. Kissing my on the cheek just like a child and calling me "Daddy".

He was still the seven teen years old child he should always have been. And the innocent and naïf side of him was more attractive to me than his sensual side.

On the other side, Minji and Eliot were growing further away from each others, just like Minji and Hirakin. It was as if a curse had fallen on the poor girl, everyone was running away from her and only rumors spread around the house and mafia is ruled by blood links.
If one of them hates a person, so goes for the whole family.

I turned my gaze to the mirror a last time, smiling at the new color i added to my black hair.
Blonde was always a preference but in my twenty eight years on earth I never done it.
I was free from work for a while so why not taking care of this scalp.

I ran my hand in it, brushing it back in a messy hairstyle and huffing in delight.

"Not as bad as I thought."

A last glance before leaving my room and
walking happily to the guest room that now was officially the new habitat of Haru.

"Well,that's a change."

That was the first thing The younger one said when i came through the doors of this room.
It was accompanied with a giggle. And oh lord, this laugh was god.

"And isn't it beautiful?"

We took the habit of only speaking in Japanese together, first because of his horrible English accent that he despised even tho I found it exotic.and second because he had no knowledge in Russian.

"Of course it is."

His words were simple, as always. But I loved the only fact he spoke to me. It was enough to satisfy my needs.

That was until I heard a caught that I finally noticed Minji on the bed looking at us, new lovers with an annoyed expression on her face.

I'm glad her brother was still by her side.
But not glad she was by mine right now, I had plans for my neatly hair to be pulled on.

I gave her the same annoyed expression before hearing a small wheeze from Haru, that automatically softened my expression.

"You really are a bipolar."


A/N : yes I know I was dead, forgive me people ;3;
Anyways, there a filler chapter with hopefully a little more action in the second one!
Don't forget to vote and comment and probably share-

Last thing, can you guys in-line comment on what I will ask right now? I'd like to know what you guys would like most.

Haru as top.

Haru as bottom.


I already had my own idea but lately multiple people who know what will happen next told me that it was a bad idea so..help?

Anyhoe ! Peace~

Anyhoe ! Peace~

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