Chapter 2 - Learning Who He Is

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Italy's P.O.V


When I awoke I was blinded by a bright white light, due to reflex, I tried to cover my eyes with my hands. Only to find out that they both wouldnt budge. At first I freaked out a little but when my eyes adjusted I saw that both my wrists and ankles were chained up. Everytime I would try to move my skin would get scraped by the rust on the metal. After a few more tries of trying to move a voice called out from the shadows, "Stop trying, you'll just end up losing your limbs..."

I whimpered at the last part and teared up a bit. He must of noticed because he walked quickly out of the darkness and said, "Calm down, kid. I was joking," He then came closer and kneeled beside me, "Now then," He started, "Who are you?"

Germany's P.O.V


The kid seemed to of hesitated at first but then he said, "Ve... P-promise not to t-tell?" I nodded and he continued, "O-ok, but please believe me... I-I'm Italy. The Italy," When he finished I laughed, "Y-you?" I asked, "A-are the Italy?! Pfffffft! I'm not stupid!" After a few more laughs I toned down and grabbed his face with one of my hands, "Now kid, tell me the truth. I may just let you go if you do," With that he frowned and said a bit more louder, "Ve! But I am Italy! Oh, please let me go! If I dont hurry home big brother Romano I'll be scolded!"


That, was the sound of my brain realizing something.

Didnt Romano have a twin? And didnt they both have a trade mark curl? ... This kid, the more I look at him the more he looks like Romano. "No..." I mummbled, "How... how could this kid be... be Italy?" I let go of his face and backed up a bit. "Finally!" The kid sighed, "Ve... I'm glad you finally believe me! Now, can you please un-chain me?" I shook my head 'no' and stood up. I began to walk off but stopped when the kid kept on saying, "Wait! Wait! Wait! Who are you! Where am I?!"

I told him to shut up be he kept on bugging so I stopped before exiting the door and said, "Germany. I am Germany, and you are in my basement. Now quiet, I'm going to try to get some sleep before I go back into war." I finished and left the room leaving him shocked.

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