| Chapter 2 |

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Hiro woke up to the sound of his smartphone ringing. He groaned under his breath though he was lazy to actually pick up his phone. The young actor wanted nothing more but to sleep, to close his eyes and go back to his dreamland. So, he let the phone ring on.

Once silence greeted his bedroom, he sighed softly and turned to his right side so he could fall asleep again. For a few minutes, he was about to do just that when—his phone started ringing all over again. Hiro groaned louder before he pushed himself to sit down and grabbed his phone from the desk next to his bed.

Without checking the caller ID, he answered it with a gruff and an annoyed, "Hello?"

"Good, you picked up," his agent's voice filtered through the speakers. Hiro's eyebrows twitched before he pulled the phone from his ears and looked at the time. It was barely seven in the morning. The young actor felt the annoyance pulsing through his vein morphing into lividness.

What the hell was he doing waking Hiro up at this time of the day?

"You better have a good reason to why I'm waking up at seven in the morning to answer you, Gordon," Hiro snapped. There was an awkward silence from the other side before his agent cleared his throat.

"You're to meet with Jack and James later," Gordon said. Hiro raised his eyebrows as he felt a headache coming on. Jack and James were the ones, the managers of the company he was representing, the idiots who forced Hiro to be in a fake-relationship with Tadashi. What more could they possibly want? He sighed loudly before he rubbed his face.

"Why?" Hiro asked curtly. He rubbed the back of his neck next to work out the kinks there.

"They just want to talk to you about the interview last night," Gordon said. "Meeting at three later."

"Fine," Hiro said dryly. "Can I sleep now?"

"Yeah, yeah," Gordon said as if he was used to this by now. "Just don't be late, kid."

Before Hiro could protest on being called a kid, the line went dead. He rolled his eyes as he pulled the phone away from his ear and tossed it next to him. Well, this was just great, wasn't it? He wondered briefly on what was there to be said about the interview last night.

Tadashi's stupid move made Hiro annoyed and flustered at the same time. The implication that they were actually sleeping together bothered the young actor a lot more than he thought it would. They were just pretending, thus everything said to be happening behind closed doors didn't actually happen and yet, Hiro didn't like it that people all over the world thought he was sleeping with that man.

It was just weird.

Maybe it was also because Hiro never really experienced intimacy.

The young actor frowned at that thought. Sure, he hadn't actually liked someone much to think about it. He was nineteen, wasn't it supposed to be normal to crave for those things? To kiss someone, to touch someone, to be with someone, it all sounded so foreign to him. It felt almost alien-like, as if this was the first time it crossed his mind.


Hiro realised, it was.

It was the first time he realised that he never actually thought about these things before. Sure, there was a stage in his life where he liked a girl before but—that was a long time ago. He just lost everything in the romance department after—after his parents died.

His heart closed off, his barriers grew tall and strong and his mind deleted anything that wasn't related to his work. He was suddenly uninterested. Though, then what Tadashi had said yesterday shouldn't have set him off like that.

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