| Chapter 3 |

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Hiro woke up to the sound of the alarm clock ringing. The sound was loud and it thumped through his brain like a hammer. Groaning, he tried to open his eyes but the exhaustion kept him still. He didn't want to move. All he knew was that he was lying on something soft and he never wanted to leave.

But the alarm clock kept on ringing and ringing and ringing—that he had no choice but to open his eyes anyway. The light immediately blinded his vision as he tried to focus on the image in front of him. His mind was muddled and he couldn't comprehend a single coherent thought.

All he could feel was warmth and softness.

Except for that noise.

He sighed to himself as he forced his head to turn. He glanced at the alarm clock and blinked once and then twice before he slammed the thing to the ground with his hand. It fell and crashed with a satisfying thud.

Hiro smiled to himself before he turned around and cuddled himself with what he could now recall, the blanket. It took him a few seconds for his brain to reboot, but when it did, Hiro's eyes immediately snapped open and he sat up in reflex. He looked around himself wondering what had happened as confusion washed in him.

The last thing the young actor could remember was...

Was the event from last night. The—charity event. His head throbbed when he tried to recall more. He knew something happened because suddenly, he felt guilty and maybe slightly panicked. It was not a good feeling to wake up to.

Then, the images flashed through his mind and he stopped breathing for a millisecond.

Now, he remembered.

He had gotten into a fight with Tadashi...in front of all those cameras. What was worse, he remembered exactly what he had yelled at the taller man in the fit of high. The look on the man's face when he looked at Hiro was another thing that would grave in his mind forever.

He looked so hurt, as if Hiro had stabbed his favourite puppy.

The young actor frowned as he realised that was the last thing he recalled from yesterday. He knew he wasn't close to home at all, so where was he? He looked around him once more, this time he started to panic. What if someone had seen him in the drunken state and decided to take him home? What if someone kidnapped him?

Then, a bigger dreadful thought settled in him.

What if someone took advantage on him?

Immediately he looked down to himself, touching his clothes and pushing the blanket away. After he had made sure that yes, his clothes were still on him and didn't seem to be taken off, he sighed in relief. The momentary panic washed away.

After a few more seconds of waiting his brain to actually kick in with the familiarity of the surrounding did he realise that he was home. He was in his own room, sleeping on his own bed and he was—home. He furrowed his eyebrows in even more confusion because now here was the question: how did he get home?

Maybe someone called him a taxi, he mused.

But he doubted anyone would do that for him. If they saw him out on the streets, he was sure he would've been kidnapped. He shuddered at the thought as he slowly got out of bed. Maybe Cass knew who helped him. Probably. His head still throbbed against his skull but it wasn't as bad as just now. He stumbled towards the bathroom before he closed the door.

A warm shower should help.


When he walked into the kitchen, already showered and in his white shirt and pyjama pants, he didn't think he would be seeing his agent sitting there just staring at the newspaper laid in front of him. Hiro immediately knew where this was going and some parts of him recoiled at the guilt when Tadashi's face flashed before his eyes.

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