chapter 3 // amnesia (pt. 1)

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A/N : This song always makes me emotional ugh.

tw: lgtbq slur

Song // Amnesia : 5 Seconds Of Summer


Sam and Nat took Steve out for his birthday. Steve didn't really trust that many people , but one thing was for sure, he trusted them. Sam and Natasha were Steve's closest friends and two people he could count on for almost anything.

They thought that Steve deserved a good night on the town after the incidents with Bucky last year. Steve was a mess, knowing his best friend was still out there , a brainwashed assassin, killed him inside. He wanted to be searching for Bucky, but he had to admit he needed a day off.

He didn't realize where they were until he saw the glowing sign, different from the one he remembered.
It read: Nathan's Famous.
Oh god. Steve remembers this place. It opened a couple years before he was born and his mom took him and Bucky there so many times before she passed. It was like a safe place for the two boys. They'd always travel into New York once they were older just to eat a 'Nathan's Famous' hot dog.

The memories flooded Steve's mind.

I drove by all the places we used to hang out getting wasted.



"Cmon Stevie!" Called the chipper brunette. "I'm coming Buck , Im coming". The blonde responded in between giggles and short breaths. "Where we goin anyway?" The blonde ask, his chest slowly tightening. The brunette slowed his pace as he turned around to his friend with a wide grin. "I think you know where." Bucky responded with a wink.

It was Steve's birthday which he normally wouldn't focus too much about. But this year was a bit special. He was turning 18 of course. He was an adult now, that kind of always terrified him. With his mother now gone he had to except that fact, although with Bucky around he always felt so juvenile.

Steve stopped, panting with his hands on both knees, before looking back up at the older boy. "I really don't know Bucky. Cmon just tell me."
"Can't, it's a surprise. You know i don't ruin surprises, especially with you."

The boys kept walking toward their unknown destination, until it was no longer unknown. The bright sign read: Nathan's Famous. And underneath had small print letters spelling out: "Home of Nathan's famous hot dogs".

"Bucky. You- You didn't. I- I'm. Thank you." The smaller boy pulled his friend into a warm hug, hands roaming up backs. "It was no problem at all Stevie. Don't worry. I know this is where you'd want to go with your mom, I know how important this place is to you".
Steve didn't know how to respond. Bucky was right, that restaurant had so many memories for the boys from their elementary school days and their middle school days as well.

The boys running home from school to take the train straight to Nathan's to get their favorite hot dogs in all of New York. Sarah taking them out for dinner almost every weekend it seemed like after she'd get off work. It was like a third home for the boys. (Their seconds being each other's).

"Bucky this means so much. Thank you." Steve finally broke away from the embrace and headed for the door. "Cmon let's go eat".

They walked inside and had a night filled of stories, hot dogs and beers, so many beers.

~time skip~

"Steve , you're plastered come on let's get you home." Bucky put his large arm around the newly 18 year old Steve's shoulder and began to walk them home. "No, I'm fine. I promiiissee". Steve slurred, swaying from side to side in Bucky's arm. He got away from Bucky and fell into a stack of cardboard boxes laying in the beginning to an alley way Bucky recognized as one of the many he rescued Steve from. Steve pulled himself up, and took Bucky's hand and yanked him into the dark alley. "Steve what the hell are you doing it's almost pitch black in here." Steve was giggling like a maniac. Bucky couldn't help from smiling at his drunken friend.

"Gotta tell you sumthin Buckaroo."
"What did I tell you about that horrid nickname?"
"Sorry, sorry." Bucky had to admit, it sounded cuter coming out of Steve's mouth.
"What do you need to tell me Stevie?" The brunette was confused at best with his friend too drunk to function who knew what could come out of his mouth.
"Well you've been my best friend for soooo long. I need to tell you something that might affect it ya knooww."

"Oh my god. Oh my god." Bucky's thoughts were going insane with what it could be. He wanted it to be one thing in specific, but soon realized it couldn't be. There was no way.

"Bucky I -".  "HEY LOOK BOYS ITS THE BABY AND HIS BOY FRIEND". Someone shouted from where the alley met the main sidewalk. The boys walk closer and Bucky soon recognizes them as the two bullies who had been picking on Steve since that day they met so many years ago and a couple of other boys he didn't recognize.

"Guys please just leave us alone." Bucky said worry and anger mixing in his voice as he was afraid of what they'd do to a plastered Steve and a tipsy Bucky. "Sorry Barnes. No can do. See your boy toy here-" "He's not my boyfriend you know this. He's just my friend." "Whatever fag. Anyway your little friend here is so hammered he can't see straight so we thought we'd do some more damage to his probably already gruesome hangover. Because you see your little whimp of a-" whack.

The first boy was struck by an already upset Bucky, he nose crooked and his body laying on the dirty ground, he looked up at the boy who had just hit him. "Well if it isn't mr tough guy coming to save the day again. Well not this time James." At this point the other boys that came along had gotten scared and ran off leaving the main chatter box of a bully laying in a heap in front of Bucky. At this point two of the other boys had already given Steve a good couple punches leaving him a mess on the ground.

He stood off the floor and threw himself a top of Bucky. The larger boy had at least 50 pounds on Bucky. Making him twice Steve's size. Bucky thrashed around underneath the bully, trying to get loose from his grip.  He did his best and got his legs out and decided to kick the bully where the sun doesn't shine. The boy flinched and rolled off of Bucky, groaning in pain. "You know what Barnes, this isn't the last time, got it? I'm gonna leave you two queers alone tonight but if i see you again, well let's just say it's not gonna end well. See ya."

Steve was , at this point almost unconscious, as a light blow could knock him out. So Bucky grabbed his friend by the upper arms and wrapped him above his shoulder head hanging down by Bucky's butt and legs hanging over his shoulders. "Cmon Stevie, lets go home".

~end of flashback~

A/ N : I'm making a second part to this cause it's already a lot in one chapter so i'll post that right after this one (it'll have the last lyric snippet in it)

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