Chapter 7

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"Aram, we need a list of all the stores that sell baby products in a 10 mile radius of the Serpentarium." Liz spoke

Samar tilted her head "Baby stores?" Cooper sighs "What about Reddington? Did you find an antidote?"

"There were no medical records. Nothing about Reddington on file."

Samar quipped "Wait..why are we searching for baby stores?" Ressler replied "Hightower's wife thinks he's out buying nursery supplies. She's pregnant."

Cooper furrowed his brows "I thought Ruby Hightower was in a coma?"

"That's when he assaulted her." Ressler answered. Cooper ran his hand through his hair "My god."

Aram typed something in his computer "Okay, the closest one is Albee Baby in Harding. Sending you the address now."


The clerk smiled "Looking for a mobile?" Asa Hightower looked at her "I thought perhaps the planets, but I think we'll go with dinosaurs. Reptiles have a special place in our hearts."

"You must be thrilled. How far along is she?"

"7 weeks. It's our first. Mom's on bed rest, so the shopping is all up to me." The FBI storm in. Liz aims her gun at Asa.

"Asa Hightower, FBI. Hands where I can see them."  Asa grabs the clerk and holds a sharp pen to her throat. 

"Look around, Agent. You really want to start firing bullets here? In a baby store?" 

"We have your files, Asa. Your wife. She's eager to testify against you. Put it down and let go of her."

Asa pushes the clerk toward Liz. He tries to run, but Liz hits him over the head with a wooden stool. Ressler replies "Get down! On the ground." He looked at Liz "How did you know that was gonna work?"

"You ever trip over one of those things in the dark? They're lethal." Liz feels her phone vibrating. She looks at the screen

Nick's Pizza

Liz sighed "Reddington."  she answered the phone

"Elizabeth, where are you?"

"Asa Hightower, the Apothecary - we have him in custody and we found his lab."

"Have you i-identified the toxin? Have you discovered how I was poisoned?" he asked

"The lab's working on it. Not yet, but they will." Red coughed and groaned 

"Elizabeth, I found the wine that was used to administer the poison. One of my men is bringing it up to you now. If the Apothecary doesn't tell you what you need to know, the bottle will."

Liz nodded and softly spoke "Okay. You're going to be okay, Red." Red coughed. 

"Red?" he kept coughing

"Reddington!" Red coughs violently and harshly, then collapses. Elise sees and rushes to him "Mr. Reddington? Reddington?!" she turns his body over so he's laying on his back 

Elise answers the phone "Is this Elizabeth?" Liz nodded "Yes, who are - "

"Never mind that, your friend is currently unconscious." Liz gulped "Is he okay?"

"Elizabeth, I've been caring for your friend ever since he found me in the trunk he threw me in and took the duct tape off that he put on my mouth. Trust me, your friend will be fine."

Liz was speechless "I don't even want to know. He's okay, right? Reddington's still breathing. Hello?" she put her phone back in her pocket.


Ressler and Samar were interrogating the Apothecary. Ressler crossed his arms "All right pal. Let's keep this simple. We have two questions for you - who paid you to poison Reddington, and how do we cure him?"

"My clients contact me anonymously over the dark web. They don't want me to know who they are and I don't want to know. Clean."

"The antidote for the poison you gave Reddington."

"First of all, I did not poison that clever Concierge of Crime. I merely just provided someone else with the means to poison him. I've never poisoned anyone."

Samar huffed "I'm sure your wife would disagree."

"Ruby was running around with Clive Hollis. I'm just sure about it. She needed to be - subdued. Ruby is a very confused woman, but she'll come around."

Samar rolled her eyes "Come around to what? The fact that you repeatedly raped her?"

"Having raided my facility, you are in possession of information that will help you solve well over 20 cold cases and bring others out of various altered states. You will return them to their lives and families. Really, you should be thanking me."

"You're delusional."

Asa shakes his head "I'm not crazy. I know you're gonna charge me regardless of my innocence. But I have something you want and vice versa."

"What's that?"

Asa smiled "Simple. You take the death penalty off the table, and I'll tell you how to cure Raymond Reddington."

Ressler huffed "Not gonna happen, pal."

Asa shrugged "Then Raymond Reddington will die."

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