Chapter 11

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Aram and Dembe arrived at a security check station at the RBM Digital Security Bureau Data Site. "Agents Mojtabai and Zuma, FBI. We got a warrant to run a confiscated device through your proprietary encryption."

"We don't allow access to this facility for outside requests." Aram nodded "Yeah, we're on a time crunch. It's a matter of national security."

The security guard sighed "The warrant?" Aram nodded "Zuma. Give the man the warrant. Don't tell me you didn't grab it off the desk. Oh, Zuma, you're killin' me."

Dembe nodded "I am sorry."

"Oh, you're sorry. He's sorry. Sorry "sir". "

"Sorry, sir." Aram sighed "That's alright. It's alright. Okay. You got somewhere we can sit and call this in? Court should be able to messenger a new one ASAP." the guard led Dembe and Aram to a conference room

Aram nodded "Oh, this is, uh, this is great. An agent will have the warrant here in - in no time. Thank you." the guard left them.

Aram turned to Dembe "Okay, that bought us maybe - 15 minutes. If I'm lucky, I can find the encryption key before that guard comes back."

"Thank you, Aram."

"Well, uh, this is for Mr. Reddington. Right? Right. Okay, all right. Here we go."


Glen is in a car marked Student Driver. Red shakes his head "You got to be kidding me."

"You're the one in such a damn rush. Now get in." Red sighs "This lacks even a modicum of discretion."

"We can speak freely. Masha here doesn't know a lick of English." Liz cringed at that name. Her birth name. Red looked at the girl "Elise?"

Elise winked "Shh." Glen spoke to her "Povernut' napravo na sleduyushchiy svet." (Turn right on the next light.) Elise nodded "Da ser." (yes sir)

"What did you find?" Red clicks his seat belt

"The Lopez's ran Sanctum for decades. But nine months ago, they got burnt to a crisp. Fire started in the middle of the night. Police report says arson, but no suspects though."

The tires screech, Glen chuckles "It's a car, toots, not a roller coaster. They had a daughter named Vanessa. The apple fell far from the tree. She was on the up and up. A therapist."

Liz nodded "A therapist? Like Dr. Gallup?" 

"I don't know no Gallup, but Vanessa was there during the fire. She got burnt pretty bad, but survived." Liz looked in a file

"Says here all the Lopez family bee farms were foreclosed by the bank, all but one that burned down. The one owned by Vanessa." Red nods

"Then that's where we're headed. Pozhaluysta, ostanovites' u ulga." (Please, stop at the corner.)

Elise slams the car to a stop. Red laughs "Polagayu, ya uvizhu tebya snova, Elise?" (I suppose I'll see you again, Elise?)

Elise smiled "Da, ty mog by." (Yes, you might.)


"Okay, uh, about 10 seconds." Aram gulped "Crap. Ressler and Samar are here."


"Okay, come on. Downloading. All right, here we are. Kathryn Nemec. Who is - who is Kathryn Nemec?" Dembe looks like he's seen a ghost.

Aram widened his eyes "Is this bad? This seems bad."

"I cannot go back yet. I need evidence. There's one thing I must do."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2018 ⏰

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