Chapter 11

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I wake up still in joe's arms and I look too see if jay still sleeping but he's not there so I wake up joe
What what happened joe says still half a sleep
Joe it's Jason he's not in his bed and I know that he's does wake up this early
He probably slept on the couch because he was really upset and didn't want to have to see us kiss again joe says
*looks over at my phone and see a text from Jason*
That says
"Thanks for being such a great friend to me and joe but I can't bare the thought of not having you so that why I thought it would be better for everyone if I wasn't alive anymore" love Jason
Omg joe we need to find him before he does something Terrible
Where could he be said joe
The train bridge by the highway
Omg we need to leave now joe says concerned
So we started running and the train bridge and we see Jason
Jason please don't do this you do know that I love you even if I don't want to date you you've been there for me through everything and I'm here for you so please come over here so we can get you some help
Jason POV
I hear y/n and joe and I think what are they doing here but I don't care what they have to say because they don't care about me
Jason please don't do this you do know that I love you even if I don't want to date you you've been there for me through everything and I'm here for you so please come over here so we can get you some help says y/n
Why should I it would be better for everyone if I wasn't alive
Jason please you know that if you died I wouldn't know what to do with myself because you are like my friend and my best friend so please come here y/n says then starts crying
Jason please don't do this because if I lose you I won't be able to go on because you're my everything and my best friend and I love you so much please don't do this joe says crying
Joe's POV
*i call 911*
"911 what's your emergency"
Yes my name is joe and my brother Jason is trying to commit suicide and we can't get him to come off the bridge
"Okay joe where are you"
We are at the train bridge by the highway
"Okay we are sending ambulance right now please stay on the line"
Ok I'm really scared
"I know but they are almost there"
I can hear the sirens
"Ok joe you will never to tell them what happening right now ok"
Yes of course oh they are here
"Ok joe we all hope that your brother is ok"
*i hang up the phone*
Omg they got him Jason your ok y/n says
"Ok guys we will need you to call your parents and tell them to meet us at the hospital"
Ok for sure
Authors note I'm so sorry about this chapter I was crying making this but comment what you think is going to happen to Jason

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