Chapter 1 - Aspen

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"so?" she asked leaning against the kitchen counter "what do you think?"

i staired at her my mouth hanging open. "i told you i wanted a horse, not to be sent off to some boarding school!!!"

"now Aspen" my mother said "its not just any boarding school, it is Winter Creek the most prestigious equestrian boarding academy in the united States "

i saired at her completely discusted "i don't want to go to a frickin boarding school l" i yelled "ive been telling you for years i just want a horse to RIDE for fun, YOU KNOW I HATE COMPETITION“ i slaped my hand on the table, needing some way to express how pissed i was.

she looked at me disapprovingly "Aspen," she said her voice taking on an anoyed tone "Rob has alredy payed for it, and it was a generis thing to do. and frainkly i dont see what your problem is you get to pick out a horse and keep it"

"oh" i mumbled not quite ready to admit defeat "when do i get to get one then"

my mom rolled her eyes "eight horeses are being brought here right now from the best breeding facility in the country, for you to choose from. so ill tell  you what, you go to the academy and ill buy whatever horse you want"

i felt heat creep up the back of my neck but pushed it down not wanting her to know she had enberessed "ok, call me down when they get-" i was interupted by the sound of a traler pulling into the driveway a long with the sounds of horses ready to be let out. "-here"

she smerked at me "i guess i wont-"

i didnt stay to hear what else she had to say, quickly grabing my shoes and rushing out the front door, the screen bouncing against the frame.

my eyes widend at the magnitude of the trailer it had to be at least the size of three bedroom moble home, and i knew that if Robs house didnt have such a huge driveway thair was no way it would fit.

a man in a cowboy hat who looked around sixty steped out of the truck. he looked at me and raised an eye brow.  "you want a horse?" he asked sounding suprised.

i nerrowed my eyes at him and opend my mouth ready to express using some very choice words how exactly his words made me feel, when i was interupted by a chuckle coming from behind me.

I whipped around to see my step dad Rob leaning agent the railing of the house his arms around my mother's waist with a very amused expression on his face.

he waved dismissaly at the man "yes Donny, shes the one. now stop waisting time and bring them out"

the man, Donny chucked waving at me to join him by the trailer.

i took a few tentive steps not quie sure. he laughed and gave me a warm smile. "its all right i dont bite i promise"

i smiled slightly makeing my way down the rest of the way twards him. he stuck his hand out for me to shake "the names Donny Dime" he said shaking my hand inthusiasticly


"Well Aspen we've got a salection of eight horses here for'ya today, all different shapes and sizes. im gunna bring'em out one at'a time for you to take'a look at. alright?"

i noded assuring him i was paying atention as he made his way to the side of the trailer to let doen the ramps, four of them to be exact, each with a small esile down the middle were i assumed you led the horeses from

"Now," Donny continued "once i bring them out you have a good look at them and ill tell you thair basic intermation, after that if you like them enough ill saddle'um up and you can take a ride, and if you still like'um after that we can arrage for a vet to come take a look to make sure its all good, and if you diside that that horse is the one you want we'll get everything sedled and habe him sent to the school. alright?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2014 ⏰

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