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Hey guys, so I know this story has been marked as completed, but I just felt like I had to write this out because it explains a lot about Logan's school life! And because I freaking miss my boyfriend. I love you, babe!This chapter deals with depression and homophobic (cussholes) so tell me if I need to up the mature rating. Sorry.
I changed Logan's portrayal to Booboo Stewart to better represent his Indian heritage

Everywhere I look I see him, smiling at me, waving to strangers in the crowd.

I even thought the kid behind me in History who poked me to ask for a pencil was him.
I'm not handling this well. I know that, but I think no one would.

No one knows what happened to me except the German pack , who were sworn to secrecy by Lucy, and me.

I want to cry I want to scream. I want to lose it all and I'm wishing that Lucy hadn't saved me. This is what a broken bond feels like.

My roommate realized I was gay, he noticed me staring at other guys way too much (I thought they were Him.), and told the entire school.

I can't go anywhere without having slurs and other horrible things thrown at me. I could make them stop, I know I could, but I never get violent unless I'm protecting somebody. And there's no one left to.

I don't think I'll survive this.

Days blur together and everything is black and gray and I'm drowning.

Father calls me every day and we video chat and talk about nothing in particular.

He knows something is wrong, but he doesn't know and he won't ask. The school keeps calling him though, investigating my depression. they think he caused it. No one will come near me.

I hate him. I hate everyone.

I think about death a lot and about seeing him again. it would be difficult because i'm almost immortal, but it would only hurt a little.

All I can think is that I don't want to do this anymore

And then out of nowhere the Universe gives me a little light.

It doesn't happen right away, in fact it takes nearly a hundred years, but then I find it.

I'm eating all alone one day when the shiniest girl I've ever seen sits downs at my table and holds out a bag of M&M's. "Want some candy?"

Her hair is bubblegum, her eyes are sky blue, and she's decked out in unicorn themed clothes. She probably is a Unicorn. None of them are inconspicuous about anything.

"What?" I ask, my voice hoarse. It's been so long since I've talked. I didn't even think I remembered how.

She smiles. "Do you want some candy? You look really sad and I want to cheer you up! I'm Osiris Moone and you looked sad so I've decided that we're going to be friends!"

She seems so nice and I don't want to hurt her. I fake a smile and nod to the chair across from me. "I'll pass on the candy, but you can sit down."

Her smile widens and she swivels the chair to sit in it backwards. "Thanks! So who did you lose?"

I jump and scoot my seat away. "How do you know that?"

"Unicorns read emotions," she explains, laying her palm on mine. "I want you to be happy so I'm going to talk to you and be your friend."

I guess what I need right now is friends, but it's been so long since I've been around people that don't hate me.

There are LGBTQ people in school, but not Werewolves. Not my kind.

"Okay. I'm Logan Mackavoy."

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