flashbacks, wow

75 6 1

april 24, 2042
alex's pov

"You can stay in this household on one condition: convince my son to drop out of college and become Vice President of my corporation."

In the end, I had to accept. What else would I have done? Pack my bags and live in the city streets, waiting for Akihara Police to snatch me back into the hell of an orphanage?
As if.
As I peeked through the crack of Aaron's door, I could see him laying in his plush bed, fixated to the tablet in front of him, scribbling furiously with his stylus. Definitely a horrible time to approach him about the situation. But I knocked on his door anyways.
"Alex? What do you want?" he scowled, probably not happy from what happened yesterday. But I could sense it: the fear strained in his eyes, the doubt and uncertainty.

"You're a monster."

I flinch, catch my breath. Don't remember things. Don't remember that. Don't. Remember.
"Ah, sorry. Must've spaced out." I say shakily. "Um, well, you see—"
"Let me guess, my father basically blackmailed you to convince me to be promoted in his company in exchange for staying in this house." he said bluntly, crossing his arms.
"How did you even— never mind. Yeah."
Aaron sighed. "Sorry, but I'm not leaving college for that. You'll just have to find someplace else to live, dude."
My anger started to boil over. "Is it that displeasing to work at the most successful conglomerate in the world?" I seethed. "Anyone, including me, would have said yes immediately to the job. So why wouldn't a heir to the company?"
His expression turned dark. "You don't understand, Alexander. Especially a bastard whore-son like you." he said, slamming the door on my face.
Did he just say that to me?
Oh, hell fucking no.
I contemplated on kicking the door down, but I stopped myself before I could. With a strict household like this, I couldn't afford to make any trouble. Not with a menacing father and a scheming mother downstairs.
So I stole Aaron's car keys instead.

aaron's pov

Ok, I didn't mean to spit out some harsh, unnecessary words there.
But a brat like him, pretending to be all pitiful when he's got all the power anyone could have wished for?
That really irks me.
I fall back onto my bed, rubbing my eyes? How long have I been working on this presentation? I decide to power down my tablet for a few minutes and take a break, stretching my stiff arms out.

"Become Mystica Corp's Vice President, son."

The topic is still fresh in my mind. I shake my head, trying to erase my thoughts blank, but it's still there, creeping in the corner of my head.

"I don't want to."
"Son, you know you have to inherit the company sooner or later."

I pull out my phone, a quick distraction is what I'm shooting for. 14 notifications. 5 from Lin's Twitter, reminders to set up doctor's appointments, and 6 messages from Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, my class partners and... acquaintances.

Thomas > yo, did anyone do paragraph 2?
James > yeah, i typed it up, i'll add it to the doc.
Thomas > cool. i got paragraph 6 and the conclusion done. i think aaron got the rest.
James > woah, you did more than half of the project?
Thomas > thanks dude, but you're such an overachiever lmao
James > hah, that's aaron for you

I sigh. They're pretty much barely getting though the course, so I have to revise everything they work on to get a decent grade. Or at least, a grade that satisfied Father. But they've been sticking around with me for as long as I could remember...

"A-aron, my man!" Thomas exclaimed, slinging an arm around my shoulders. "Are you getting the macaroni and cheese from the lunch counter?"
The cafeteria of Boston High School was bustling with jocks and pretty girls, talking about the latest gossip or last night's game. It was near the end of senior year, which meant exams, but two-thirds of the school population didn't really give a damn, as long as they made it to community college. I, however, was the prodigy of the school. Perfect scores and everything.
"I'm only getting it because you ran out of lunch money." I smirk, handing him three dollars. "But you're waiting in line for your mac and cheese."
"Thanks man, you're the best."

I sat down at the usual booth, James already eating a salad at the table, his eyes fixated to his phone floating in the air beside him.. "Hey, James." I say, setting my lunch tray down and opening a bag of crisps. "What's going on?"
"Oh, nothing. Just searching up jobs around the area. The good paying jobs are taken by Level 4 mages, though." he said, scrolling down through the list. I frown. "Well, at least your father isn't bribing you to join their company."
"Oh, sorry. That must be rough."
"What's rough?" Thomas said smugly, setting his mac and cheese on the table. "Kinky conversations here."
"Good lord." Makes me question how I even decided to associate myself with them.
"Anyways, your father's pushing you to join Mystica, huh? I would totally love to swap places with you if I was as smart as you."
"Thank's, but I don't think it would have worked if you were smart anyways." I groan.
He gives a light snort, before pausing to think. "Oh! Why don't you just go to college? Sure, it won't completely eliminate the problem, but at least you have four years to wait. You'll get in easy, you'll probably snatch every scholarship."
I think for a second. "I mean, it could work. If I hide it from my father." Which is impossible to do, I think to myself.
James piped up. "I was thinking of going to King's College after senior year. I got all the requirements down and my scores are pretty ok."
"Come on, just give it a try." Thomas said reassuringly. "It'll be fun before you get sent to hell at the office."

I blink. When did I fall asleep? Grabbing my phone from the floor, I turn it on to check the time. 8:49. Missed dinner.
Well, whatever. I'll just go to the nearest McDonalds for something to eat, I thought. Sliding some sneakers on, I head downstairs and grab my keys.
Correction: the air that my keys used to be in, which were supposed to be hanging on the hook next to the door. I peer outside into the pitch darkness.

My car is gone.

a/n: sorry it took so long! i hope this nice long chapter doesn't sound as awful as i think it is but thats because i typed it up at 2 in the morning

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