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We sat on the table that had been placed near the window. This cake shop selling various cakes and ice cream cakes as well as milkshakes and more sweets; which is the main reason why me and Bun always come here to have some idle chat after school. I thought that Bun wanted to ask me about some science homework and stuff, but it seems that I was wrong.

Bun stared at me with concerned look. I keep staring at my glass, playfully swirling the dark brown colored liquid inside. I didn't touched my ice cream cakes yet; my head racked around, still searching for proper words to cast a light upon the condition that I was in right now. I already expect that he learned that I quitting from my club, but not so soon.

He scoop a chunk of cake inside his mouth as he staring at me intently, which made me feel uncomfortable, "So, what's wrong?"

I cast a sharp glare which he returned with a grin. He had been asking the same question for almost every ten minutes. I suppressed an urge to snort as I placed the end of the straw in my mouth and sipped the liquid slowly. Cold drink wasn't that helpful to tuned down my anger, so I guess I'll let him know. Hopefully that would make my irritation gone even just a bit.

I inquired with deadpanned tone, "I dropped out from my club."

Bun paused for a moment. He looked thoughtful as if he already knew it, which is odd, "As I thought. But... Why?"

I stared at him with a little bit of suspicion; someone must been told him about my drop out. That made me assumed that he knew about my drop out from Yagyuu. After all, I had met Yagyuu quite a lot lately. That would be any chances that he told Bun that I didn't attend any practice recently...

I shrugged as I decided to let out a little lie, "Karate wasn't my cup of tea anymore."

Bun stared at me with disbelief, "Really?"

I sighed, "Yeah, i'm just bored from all of this practices."

He noticed some vexation laced in my tone and decided to back off. "Okay then..."

We occupied ourselves with some cakes in front of us. Bun know that I was upset and it was best to gave me some space and not asking for more about it. Moreover, I didn't intend to tell him about the details utterly. It was not making any differences if he knew anyways; instead, that would made everything more tedious if he knew.

I thought that the conversation already dropped, but it seems Bun was not going to give me some space like i wished him to do. I noticed the wide grin curved on his lips as he changed the topic, "So, wanna play one game to chill down a bit?"

I looked up and stared at him reluctantly, "What?"

Bun shrugged, "You know... Tennis."

My sound doesn't sound amused by his offer, "You know that i'm not in the mood."

Bun clicked his tounge, "Oh, come on. Just to blowing off steam. After all, this is just rally, not official tournament. No one will find out."

I snorted in irritation. He must be joking. Did he really thought that playing tennis would solve the problem over it's roots? Truth to be told, I didn't play tennis for two years and I didn't think that my skill would remained decent. In other hand, Bun is right. I was upset today and I need to do something to blowing off steam.

"...Okay. Just one game, right?"

Bun almost jumped from his seat hearing my answer. His eyes were practically glittered due to his excitement, "Really?!"

Hopefully he didn't start to think that I starting to made my way through tennis again. I nodded solemnly with a bit of reluctance.

"Yeah! Let's go after eating then!"

The conversation immediately dropped and we ate in silence. Once we finished, we paid for our cakes and wandered to the nearest court that been abandoned for years. I looked around and found out that the street lights were still working. It seems that don't have to worry about the lights once the sun set. Bun placed his bag on the bench and took out his rackets. He handed one to me as I put my bag beside him.

I nodded as I took the racket from his hand, "Thanks..."

"I won't go easy on you, Ruu." Bun winked and walked to the one side of the court.

I rolled my eyes as I swung my racket back and forth. My hand a bit stiff and I knew that I had to do some scretching before playing a game. I switched the racket from my hand to my right hand to see which hand that I should use in game. After a while, I decided to play with my left hand.

Bun frowned once he acknowledged what I had planned, "Are you sure?"

I shrugged as I went to opposite court, "I planned to blow off steam. Not to kill you."

"You are too cocky, Ruu. I'm getting better these years and I know that I can finish you in no time."

I'm beginning to wonder that Bun not only wanted to help me blowing off steam, but also wanted to show me how much he improved. I snorted in amusement, "You don't have to tell me that. I already knew."

Bun grinned as he tossed the ball in the mid air. He jumped and hit the ball, sending it towards me. Knowing that it was merely normal serve, I didn't waste my time to return it by volleying to the corner. Usually when Jackal was around he would let the ball flew pass him. But since we are playing singles, he dashed to the direction of the ball and returned it in time.

Fortunately, it was a lob. I jumped, acting as if I would smashed the ball. Bun moved forward and took position. I noticed that he was prepared to return my smash with Rising Shot, so I swung my racket weakly and dropped the ball to the opposite court. Bun pouted as he realized that I stole a point from him.

"15-0." He inquired as he return to baseline. I tilted my head, trying to keep my smirk hidden. I knew his weakness; he was still not getting used to return the wide-ranged shots, so that giving me some advantage.

He served again and this time I keep my slow speed. He had no idea how my speed increased in past two years and I didn't want him to acknowledged this so soon, even though he knew that I'm pretty quick once it comes to 100 meter dash. I pretended to stumble and barely returned it. Bun moved quickly to the net and with a smirk he hit the ball to the net-pole. The ball dropped slowly in my court with small thud.

I frowned as I watching the ball rolled lazily. What was that? I've never seen Bun performed that weird move before. Did i missed something?

He declared with a smirk, "15-all. I already said that I won't go easy, right? It was my Special Skill : Iron Pole Strike."

I felt a little bit excitement bloom in my chest. Okay... So i have to deal with that one. Actually I expected him to reveal the move that we developed since we were little. But that can wait. I need to seal that pole hitting move to prevent him from using it again.

I nodded in acknowledgement as I waited him to serve again. This is going to be interesting.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2018 ⏰

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