Chapter 32

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A/N ; this chapter is jumpy and skips a few parts but I really wanted to get to a certain point. Sorry for such a long wait for such a terrible chapter. However, I hope you enjoy. Leave me love, or hate, it's a free world. xx

We were having a war with our eyes. I thought back to how we ended up here, and cursed myself for ever going back to Florida. I never should have let my parents convince me. I haven't been home a few hours and my relationship is barely holding on by a thread. She stood on the opposite side of her living room, in the corner. Her chest rising and falling, as if she was fighting to remind herself to breath. There were tears in her eyes, threatening to fall, and it caused my heart to constrict. However, I don't know how to fix this, I don't even know what we're fighting about. I simply asked what had happened between her and Kate, and she started to freak. Why? Guilty conscious, perhaps? 

Bella's living room is small, I could easily take a few steps and have her pinned. I just don't think she would react well right now, and by that, I mean I'd probably be leaving here today with a black eye. I craved her to be in my arms, I don't care what was said! Hell, I'd have no problem putting male friends in their place if I felt jealous of them. So who cares if Bella did? Isn't that what you're supposed to do when you love someone? Protect what's yours beyond rationality? 

Then it hit me, Bella has never put me in a place where I needed to be jealous enough to claim what was mine. Sure, I'd been jealous, but never of a friend around her when I couldn't control it. She was good at keeping guys at an arms length, I'm the only guy I've known her to be close to. Would I be jealous of Emmett and Jasper if she gave me a reason to be? Like, for example, being alone in a hotel room with them while I was so many miles away? I felt guilty. I never thought of Kate in a way more than friends, but how could Bella know that?  It's impossible, even if I were to say it to her, she has no reason to believe it to be the truth. 

"I'm really sorry." I spoke finally, my voice was soft. My eyes trained to her face, to process the emotions that flitted across them. Confusion, realization, brief anger, and then just sadness. She crossed her arms over her chest, squeezing herself, and her eyes shut tight. 

"I think you should probably just go." She said, not looking at me. "You shouldn't be here anymore." 

"Bella, I'm not going anywhere until we work this out." I insisted, instinctively stepping closer, but freezing when she stepped back more, pressing her back against the wall like a scared, cornered animal. She still had her eyes closed, so I guess she just heard my step. 

"There's nothing to work out." She spoke again, her voice was harder this time, more determined. 

"What do you mean? You need some time to cool off? I can go grab us some food and we can take a breather, sit down, relax, and then talk." I didn't want to go home and wait for her call. I wanted to be there while she worked out whatever she needed to work out. I'd be here every step of the way. 

"No, I don't want you to do any of that, I don't want you here," She sounded angry now, and her eyes finally flashed open to meet mine, and despite the anger in her tone, her eyes were soft, and broken, causing my heart to shatter. I instantly knew what she was getting at. 

"This is it, isn't it?" I spoke, barely holding back tears of my own, my voice broke in an embarrassing way at the end. "This is you breaking up with me."

She took a second before nodding, then she turned her head away from me. 

"Why? What did I do?" The tears were falling rapidly down my face now, I was broken in a way I never have been before. It took a second to realize I wasn't breathing, and I gasped. I hated feeling this way, I hated it. "What can I do to fix it? I love you, Bella." 

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