Chapter 39

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A/N ; short and not proofread. You should just assume none of these chapters are.

Edwards POV

I walked back to the table I had left Bella after pouring us both a drink, but once I reached it, I hesitated in confusion. This was where I left her, right? I ran my gaze over the rest of the tables lining this side of the dancefloor, and still I couldn't find her. Convincing myself I was crazy, I also checked the other side. No Bella.

Perhaps she decided to dance with someone? Luckily for me, the class wasn't that big, and therefore it only took me a minute to scan over everyone in the gym. I didn't see her, but I spotted our four friends off standing together and laughing. I walked over to them briskly, still holding our cups in my hands.

"Have you guys seen Bella?" I asked. "I can't find her."

"She's probably gone to the bathroom." Jasper said, his voice as always, was calm.

"Can you guys go check?" I asked, turning to Rosalie and Alice.

"I'm sure she's fine, Edward." Alice assured me, reaching out and patting my arm.

"I'm sure she is too," I said, mostly to convince myself, "however after her truck and house were both vandalized and she spent the past month receiving death threats, I'd really like to make sure."

"Fair point well made." Rosalie said, turning to Alice, "let's go find our sister from another mister, shall we?"

"Stay here, we will be back soon." Alice said, "with Bella with us."

I watched them leave, even after they were gone I stared after them, willing them to come back into sight, with Bella by their side. Be okay, Bella.

I placed the cups of drink on the table beside us, feeling like I was about to snap. I wrangler my hands together anxiously, it wasn't long at all, though it felt like a lifetime, that Rose and Alice came back into sight. It was just the two of them.

Something's wrong. A voice screamed in my head. The feeling twisted in my stomach, and I knew. I just knew that Bella was in trouble. I could sense it, as if she was in front of me screaming for help. It rang in my ears. I hear you, Bella. Loud and clear.

"Something's wrong." I said, voicing my thoughts before I turned and ran from the group, towards the gym doors. I threw them open and ran into the hallways. I knew they were following me, and so I turned around. "Emmett, Rose come with me, Jasper, Alice, stay together, lets split up." I said.

They did as I said and we continued running through the hallway. I didn't know where we were going, I didn't know where we would find her. Then I heard the most horrific sound in the world. Bella was screaming for help.

I ran after her voice, as she screamed and squealed, and then suddenly there was silence. Oh, no. I sped up, going faster than I thought possible for me. Finally, we turned a corner, and there she was.

She was alone, laying on the ground. Her eyes were closed, and there was blood surrounding her head. She was hurt badly, I could tell. I was frozen in place, staring at the horrific sight ahead of me. Rosalie stayed beside me as Emmett ran ahead, dropping to his knees.

"Bella?" He called, grabbing her shoulder. He dropped his head down, on her chest. "Oh my God.." he whispered, he lifted his head again, and placed his fingers on her neck, checking her pulse. "She's not breathing!" He screamed.

Those three words were what snapped me out of my trance, and I ran towards them, falling down on the floor beside Bella. I quickly tried to remember what my father told me to do if I was in a situation like this. I took off my jacket, thrusting it into Emmett's hands.

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