Chapter 6

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I was walking home and I noticed Subaru talking to a few guys. I just turned my head the other way and continued walking.

It seemed like he noticed me, because he stopped talking to them and walking over to where I was.

"What's up sis?" I just brushed off the 'sis' and responded. "Just walking home that's all."

I noticed a slight pain in my elbow, it was from when I got pushed towards the sink. "What's wrong with your elbow?" Subaru looked at me kinda worriedly. "Nothing, just I slept on it that's all".

It was quiet for the rest of the walk home. Subaru told me how everyday he was to walk home with me to be eventually picked up by his mom.

I opened the door and we both walked in. Subaru closed the door behind him and locked it.

I didn't noticed but Subaru walked up behind me and took off my jacket. Then he held up my elbow to his face. "What happened?" He asked while expecting the rash. "I just tripped"

"You don't get something like this when you trip over things. Again, what happened?" I couldn't keep quiet anymore because it like he was a lie detector or something. So I told him "I got pushed into the sink by some girls at the bathroom"

Subaru nodded and walked away for a second. When he came back he was holding the first aid kit. He told me to sit down and I did. He began to clean up my wound.

"So, why did they pushed you?" Subaru asked to kill the awkward silence between us. "I don't know". I could tell Subaru saw threw that lie because he repeated the question again.

"What happens if I don't tell you the truth?" Subaru responded without a thought "I'll stay by your side all of school.." "Not too bad" "Plus I'll tell your dad"

I don't know why but I told him after he said that he'll tell my father that I'm getting bullied. The reason why I don't want him to find out is because my father loves me so much and I don't want him to worry about me, because it will pit to much more things to worry about.

"What's they're names?" Why he's asking all of these question? "I don't know. They never told me their names. The Plastics?"

"Hmm, okay" When he finished bandaging my elbow, picked me up bridal style and walked me to my room. "Hey hey, my legs are fine. It's just my elbow" He placed me on my bed and he left.

When he came back he put my backpack next to my bed. I guessing it's for if I have any homework. He got on the other side of my bed and laid down.

"Hey, what are y-" "Shhh..I tired sis" I kept my mouth shut, and began working on my homework with my 'brother' sleeping next to me.

Welp, when I finish I guess I'll take a nap too...
I hope you guys enjoyed that chapter! I didn't really updated much because I didn't think this many people would enjoy this story.
Welp, I hope you beautiful peps have a wonderful day! Bye, bye! 09/10/18

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