Chapter 15

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Another boring day at school, or at least in my opinion it was. I usually tuned out the teacher as I was doing my daily doodling on my classwork. I was sitting next to Scarlet and Peter. Well, they were sitting on opposite sides of me.

Peter was reading a book right underneath his desk. On the other hand, Scarlet was on her phone. I guess they find this class as boring as I do. It's nice when you're not the only one bored.

Scarlet leaned her head on my shoulder and whispered whined, "I'm bored, and the class had just begin.''I giggled a bit with a ''Minus well get use to it, got a few more months to go of this.''

''I'm agree Scarlet when she says that this class is boring, but that is true.'' Peter tuned in our conversation while still having the book in his hand.

And with this, Peter had also leaned on my shoulder. "One question, why?'' They both shurruged as they continued doing their own thing. The teacher won't be able to notice us since we were in the back of the class.

Now that I'm looking around, everyone else was also doing their own thing. Also seeing a couple being cuddly with each other.


The monotone voice of the teacher speaking fills the room. The temperature was not hot, but isn't cold either. I needed something to distract me from this boredom.

I hear quite snores on my right, did she really fall asleep? "Wow, couldn't she be anymore careless? But it can't be helped." Peter sighs quietly as he adjusts himself a bit, still leaning on my shoulder.

"Yeah same here. I'm sleepy myself. But I don't want to ruin my sleep schedule."

"Just ruin it, it'll fix itself." He sat up and patted his shoulder. "Here."

I hesitated for a moment before hearing him say, "C'mon, the teacher won't notice, also I have nothing better to do." He gave me a small smile before I leaned on his shoulder.

I'll guess this'll do.

I though as I closed my eyes. The teacher might not care about us at all.


The bell runged and as it woke us up. I hear the sounds of Scarlet quietly cursing as to why the bell was so loud. I sat up to see Peter closing his book before putting it away.

"Did I bother you much Pete?"

He looked at me with a questioning look before replying. "Oh, that caught me off guard. No, not really." He stood up and grabbed his bag. "Actually, you're quite a cute sleeper."

He smiled and walked out. "Wait! How annoying, leaving me like that." I hear Scarlet hiss.

We both stand up to head out of the classroom. She grabbed my arm before leaning on my shoulder. "I should have you as my new walking buddy, at least you don't leave me behind!"

We were walking to the front of the school, suddenly I felt someone hugging me from the back.

''(Y/N)! I finally found you!'' I recognized this voice immediately. It was Subaru, I turned around and hugged him back awkwardly. It was difficult to hug him since he wouldn't let go.  I tried to escape his hug, but he wouldn't let go.

Scarlet pulled me back, helping me out. ''Gosh! What a grip he has!'' She yelled. ''What do you guys want to do by the way? It is Friday.''

''Why don't we invite them to come over to our house? I'm sure they'll have fun there.'' Peter popped out of nowhere. Scaring Scarlet.

''Don't do that Peter! You scared me!'' She slapped his shoulder really hard as she whined. ''Anyway, that sounds like a plan. What do you think (Y/N)?'' I shrugged my shoulders and replied with a 'okay', causing all four of us to head over to the twin's house.


We walked into their house, and the first thing I noticed was barking. A dog was heading towards me full speed ahead. I quickly went behind Subaru since he was the closest to me, he started to laughed and started to pet the dog. ''Hey boy, it's been a while hasn't it?''

The dog's tail was wagging a lot as it was barking out of joy. It looked at me and headed towards me, I ended up backing up more and more. The dog jumped on me. Not to mention, the dog was huge, like terrifyingly big.

It took a sniff of me, and after a moment he started to lick my face. I gave in and started to pat the dog myself. I giggled before asking, ''And what's your name?''

"That's Toto. I'm surprised he's gotten this comfortable with you already.'' Scarlet started walking toward their couch. Everyone, including me started making their way towards the living room too.

''Maybe because he smells Subaru on her, or maybe it's just that (Y/N)'s that type of person.'' Peter shrugged his shoulders and sat down.

Toto followed us and began greeting Peter and Scarlet too. They turned on the TV and asked ''Do y'all want to play (Favorite Game)?''

Both Subaru and I agreed and started to play with them. We were all just having fun as Toto was laying down.
Toto's best boy.

I've been procrastinating^^;

Byebye! Have a wonderful day ya beautiful humans! Later!


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