Chapter 13

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I woke up the next morning, feeling more tired than usual. I did sleep well, but I just wanted to crawl back into my bed. But since that can't happen because of school, I gotta push through the day with this awful feeling. 

Anyway, I got up and began to get ready for school. I opened my bedroom door, and was greeted by a familiar person.

"Good morning (Y/N)! How are you today?"

Subaru, somehow got all of that energy, was smiling brightly at me. Some days he can be brighter than the Sun itself, and I'm over here feeling like the moon. But like a sad, little, small, tiny version of the moon. Just dull. 

"Were you waiting for me, in front of my room, this whole time?"

"No, why would I? I was just getting out of my room as well."

I turned around to grab a few more things. I heard a few steps coming coming to me, followed by "Or at least it's that..." His face was now near mines, he quietly whispered a "... you wanted me to?"

Even though he was joking, I couldn't shake the fact of how deep and gravelly his voice was. Then, I grab my backpack, and walked right past him. 

"Nah, I'm good."

I said, as I ignored the blush on my face.


I was walking to school with Subaru, which is starting to become the norm for me. Nothing much was said throughout the whole walk. But it wasn't like the silence was uncomfortable or anymore, it was perfect for this early in the morning.

Seeing the school in view we saw a familiar set of twins, which was of course Peter and Scarlet.

"Hey (Y/N), hey Subaru!" Scarlet yelled while making her way toward us, with Peter following her in the back.

We both greeted her back, while making our way to class. Well, Peter and Scarlet didn't take the first class with us, but their classroom was nearby.

There were also sometimes where I was wondering how sudden I meet these people, especially Subaru. It was bizarre, but I dealt with it. Letting life go with the flow was comforting in way way, but sometimes things can take a turn into horrible stuff.  Since there's nothing you can do to change it, you just gotta live with it.

Peter and Scarlet continued to walk to their classes, as Subaru and I stopped at ours. We took our seats and prepared for the day. Everyone was also making their way into class, which I was ignoring as I read a book. I don't really read much, I only read when there's nothing else for me to do.

I felt something in my hair, it was there for a while. But I'm now realized that the feeling is becoming more stronger and stronger. I looked back and saw Subaru playing in my hair.

"Y'know, your hair is really pretty, and also very soft.'' He said this quietly and I could hear how deep his voice was. Sent shivers down my spine.

"Thanks?'' I wasn't sure of how to reply, instead of telling him to stop, I just turned back around and continued reading. But it was much harder to focus now knowing that Subaru is playing in my hair.

At some point the feeling stopped when the teacher walked in, making me a little sad but relieved. For what I dunno. It feels like that part of my hair got shaved or something, can't really explain it well.

"Good morning class today we are..." I tuned the teacher out quietly as I glanced around the room for a distraction. But I tuned right back in when I heard a certain pair of words coming out of their mouth.

"...working in pairs, which I'm going to choose for you all.'' At this moment everyone groaned in annoyance and just hope that they were paired up with their friends. Which seemed very unlikely.

I hear Subaru cursed slightly under his breath, he's that angry? I just hoped that I could've worked alone, or at least have a decent partner.

Even though it seemed like I wasn't paying attention to the teacher, I actually was. Well, listening for my name of course. I was actually worried to see who I was working with.

"(Y/N) and Daegan''

To be honest, I was really relieved. Daegan can be hardworking at times, and doesn't slack off. But the problem was how awkward I was going to be, since I don't know the guy pretty well.

"Ah sh-" I hear Subaru behind me cursing a little louder than last time. He seems angry? I don't know why, or want to be any part of it. So I just left him alone. Still doesn't mean that I'm not worried about him.

Subaru got paired with another student, and the teacher ended class for the day. All of us started to gather our things to get ready to leave the classroom.

When I finished I was still reading the same book, waiting for the bell to ring. As I was reading I noticed a dark shadow was hovering over me, followed by a "Hello (Y/N).''

I looked up to see Daegan looking down at me, with a charming smile on his face.

"I'm glad to be your partner for this project, I look forward to working with you.'' He held his hand out to me.

I stood up from my seat, and took his shaked it. "Yeah, same here'', with me returning the smile.

"So, I was wondering if it was okay if I got your number. So, we can work on this project. If that's okay with you?'' He was looking around a bit, he seemed kinda nervous. I found it a little cute to be honest.

"Sure, I don't mind.''

We exchanged numbers and afterwards the bell ringed. I walked out of classroom to got to my next class. The whole time, I felt like a certain person was watching me the whole time.

How do you peps feel about Subaru? 

Hello! I hope you all are safe throughout this pandemic. Yeah, online school started and I should be able to update this. No promises though!

Thank you all for the comments, votes, and follows! I wish you all luck and safety, and so have a wonderful and relaxed day indoors!!



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