Chapter Nine | When the Camera isn't rolling~ | @fanfics_31

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Logan sat up, awkwardly fixing his tie and looking at the ground,
"Everything...okay?" Virgil questioned quietly, hesitating to say anything.
Logan made a humming sound as to say he heard him.
"Okay...I'm gonna take that as a...Yes?" He sat up, looking back at Logan as he got up to leave,
"Just tell me if you ever need anything, Virgil. I'm always here to help..." Logan smiled, fixing his glasses as he sunk down, going back to his room.

Suddenly, Virgil felt himself being summoned,
"Oh no..." Virgil said as he sunk down, as he appeared he opened his eyes, noticing himself as the banister, standing in his usual spot. He looked around the room to see nobody else had been summoned yet...
"Well this can't be good..." He said to himself, concerned, he looked over to Thomas; who was kicking at the carpet. Thomas sighed, summoning Patton and Roman,
"Uh...What's going on? And, why does he have to be here...?" Virgil hissed at Roman, who looked discomforted, standing next to the morality trait, who was also not looking like his normal 'Happy pappy pal Patton!'. Virgil kept looking at everyone with a confused and concerned look. In panic, he summoned up the logical trait, to somehow explain it to him. Since Logan was usually the only one to notice his feelings.

"Uh- Woah..." Logan paused, looking over at everyone as he popped up. Logan had a concerned look on his face as he turned to Thomas, who was still kicking the carpet with his foot.
"Why is everyone acting so strange...?" He said aloud, turning to Virgil who shrugged, looking down at him.
"Y- You tell me..." Virgil's voice echoed... he quickly covered his mouth, his eyes widening with fear.
"Oh no... Thomas, what could possibly be wrong?" Logic said fixing his glasses, little emotion was in his voice, he was in his thinking state of mind, as to find a problem so he could solve it, like he normally does.
Thomas sighed again, looking up at Logan, then over to Virgil, who was staring at the ground, obviously looking like he needed comfort, in some form.
"...Thomas. Tell me what's going on, so we can all help you. I- Is something bothering you? Are you regretting something?" Patton lifted his head,
"He's fine! It's just...he's been thinking, and now it's got us all...quiet..." Patton said, looking at Thomas, then looking over at Roman, who was looking like he was going to panic or have some sort of a break down.
"Thinking?— Oh...not this again- is he thinking about that musical?" Logan questioned, looking around at everyone, raising an eyebrow with concern,
"What? No! Not that. He's just been worrying that people are judging him and his...well...—" Roman cut him off as he yelled;
"HIS CONTENT AND PERFORMANCES...!" Patton's eyes widened and looked at Roman with a concerned look. Then he looked back over at Logan,
" it's got us all worried and...we thought this was well...uhm...—" Roman cutting him off once again;
"ANXIETY. WAS THIS YOU?" Roman feeling extra passionate, he placed his hands on his forehead, rubbing his temples as though he had a headache, looking up at Virgil with an angry look, like he was disappointed.
Logan looked over at the anxious banister and sighed,
" this...true?" He asked quietly, fixing his glasses again, hesitantly speaking. He didn't want to make Anxiety feel like the 'bad guy' again. He knew how much that hurts him, especially now, it would just make him not so...'bright'.
"What?! N- No! Not this time at least..." His voice echoed yet again, he covered his mouth and glued his eyes to the ground. He said that last sentence quietly to himself, but since Logan was standing right next to him, he heard him by the slightest, feeling a tad guilty because he knew it hit him. Logan turned to Thomas's extra passionate trait, snarling at him. Virgil had put his hoodie up, putting his hands into his pockets and looking at the ground, overthinking many things that he shouldn't be focusing on right now.
"Roman, it isn't always Anxiety's fault. I will never understand why you don't see that sometimes. He is not always the 'bad guy' here." Virgil looked over at Logan and grinned slightly, looking away before Roman could notice that he had looked over at Logan in the first place. But sweet Patton noticed and smiled, looking away to the ground and thinking to himself; 'I'm so proud of my dark son!'.
Roman growled,
"Well, he's the one who's always causing these things to HAPPEN. Why shouldn't I see that he couldn't possibly be the bad guy here?~"
"Because. He has his reasons, and being anxious is a big part in who he is. You should be accepting of that, not wasting your 'precious' time on giving him silly nicknames and bantering on with him, that, you said yourself, never solves anything." Logan replied, fixing his glasses mid sentence, sticking up for Virgil yet again. By this point, it was obvious Roman annoyed. He crossed his arms and looked away from the two of them, trying to calm himself by thinking of all the good times Thomas had performed, avoiding bad performances and other negative thoughts.
Virgil smiled, with a thankful look, pulling his hoodie back down, as hearing the logical trait say that calmed him in a way.

Saving the Villain | Book ONE | Collab with @Fanfics_3105Where stories live. Discover now