Chapter Sixteen | Advice from the Heart | @fanfilledfandom

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Yes, finally! I am writing this story :D My writing style has hopefully improved over time so fingers-crossed this is better than my last chapters. Also sorry it's so short. My hand is cramped to the point were I am struggling to move my fingers so I'll make up for it in my next chapter!
-Ally~Cat :3


Virgil placed his note book on the coffee table, smiling at his list of pranks. Leaning back on the couch, Virgil let his gaze rest on Logan. Maybe he should talk to him? Maybe he should give Logan some time, he does have books to read and things to study. A small blush appeared on his checkS as Logan flicked his eyes over to him, smiling slightly before turning his entire body to the television. Virgil frowned catching the attention of Patton who sat snuggly next to him wrapped up in his fluffy white blanket.
"Virgil?" Patton sang poking his counterpart's shoulder.
"Hmm?" He mumbled turning to face the cheery Patton.
"Talk to him!" Patton whispered, smiling wider.
   Virgil looked at him like he was insane. Pattons smile never faltered as Virgil waved his hands around to make a point of how ridiculous that was. Giggling, Patton took Virgil by the hand and pulled them down into his room seating Virgil opposite to him at the table.
"I can't talk to him," Virgil denied.
"Yes you can! He wants you too," Patton pushed.
"Really?" Virgil asked, confused of why Logan would want to speak to him after what happened, "It's only been a few hours. There's no way he could've already talked to you."
"He didn't," Patton confessed, "But you can tell. He's been looking at you all night. It's pretty obvious."
"But how?"
"You open your mouth, it's very easy, even babies can do it-" Patton joked.
"Patton! Please, I need help!" Virgil begged.
"Ok kiddo, calm down," Patton reached over and ruffled his hair.
Logan sat at his desk reading through his third medical book. Virgil held his breath as he appeared behind Logan, his heart racing. 'Come on, Virgil. You can- ahh, no I can't,' Virgil thought, freaking out. As he began to sink down Logan turned his chair around coming face to face with a red faced Virgil.
"Hey buddy," Virgil drew out his words shrugging his shoulders and shoving his hands in his pockets.
"Virgil...hi," Logan said taking his glasses off giving him a confused look.
"Look, we need to talk," Virgil said barely above a whisper.
"Go on," Logan gestured for him to continue, his expression still puzzled.
"WhenyoukissedmeyesterdayIwasverysurprisedtosaytheleastImeanLogichimselfhavingfeelings,ormaybeyoudidn'tfeelanythingandinthatcasepleasetellmesoIcanliveinpeace," Virgil blurted out, scrunching his eyes shut and balling his hands into fists.
   Logan blinked at him, trying to compute what he had just said. Virgil crack an eye open, Logan staring blankly at him. 'Oh god, oh god,' Virgil once again panicked.
"I- uhh... Logan?"
   Logan didn't move a muscle as Virgil waved a hand in his face.
"It-" Logan finally spoke cutting himself off, "F-feelings, were involved. I like you more than a friend, Virgil."
   Virgil stared wide eyed. He was not expecting this response. Not in a million years.
"You- I- huh?"
"I would prefer we were more than friends," Logan took a deep breath looking down at his feet.
   Virgil dived at him, wrapping his arms around Logan's neck. Logan's breath caught in his throat as Virgil tightened his hold.
"Me too."

Saving the Villain | Book ONE | Collab with @Fanfics_3105Where stories live. Discover now