All Mine (H.S fanfic)

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Veronica's POV

"I hope you know that you're helping Aly and I with the decorations for the party Ms Harrison." Aj basically demands, I roll my eyes "Relax, I am volunteering to do this on my own free will." I add "See you later." I quickly end the conversation. I groan and rush my fingers through my unruly hair

I walk into my first class which just so happens to be what I'm majoring in, literature.

I look around the classroom and notice the long curly brown hair kid. I sigh, he came into today. It's not like I don't like the kid it's just he creeps me out. He stares.. a lot. I still don't know his name and I honestly don't care for it. They're so many rumors about him, one that I know for sure is true, he watches me. I take a seat in the front instead of the back where he is, feeling curious I turn to take a peek at him and realize he already has his hard cold gaze fixed on me.

He just stares, its creepy. Besides I love the front, Professor Smith walks in, he looks really good today. His gray suit fits him. I hope I'm not drooling. I casually wipe my lip to check. Nope I'm good.

"Veronica your early" he states the obvious. I look into his gray eyes and can't help but blush "I know, sorry" realizing my mistake I curse under my breath, he smirks at me "No need for an apology, Ms Harrison" my face is probably the color of cherry's right now.

Just as I was about to reply, the boy from the back clears his throat quite loudly I might add and Professor Smith looks at him, same time I do, His face is a shade of red and his hands bawled into fist. He is fuming, like a bomb about to blow he abruptly stands up "I'm Harry Styles and I don't think the school board will approve of you a Professor flirting with your students" Is the first thing I hear coming from his mouth. What is wrong with him.

Before I could say anything to this 'Harry' kid Professor Smith replies back "Just small talk Mr Styles" and he goes back to his desk. I turn to look at Harry giving him a death stare. I roll my eyes and look in front of me, by this time more students start to pile in. "Hello Veronica how was your day so far?" I gasp, he places his books down next to the space besides me and takes a sit. Harry smiles at me and places his hand on the desk just inches away from mine and I casually take my hand off the table "Been going fine." I say with a polite smile, looking away from him

Hopefully he'll go away and get the hint. I watch the students file into the class room. But my eyes and mind defy me as I take a look at him, Harry's wearing all black, with brown boots a black t-shirt and black skinny jeans

I see the tattoos because he pulls them up, he's into that stuff? I would've never guessed, he looks like the quiet type. I glance at my phone, 5 minutes till class starts. Sighing I try to look somewhere other than Harry's direction because I know he's just staring at me.

Professor Smith glances up at the class and greets the students who greet him as they file to their seats. Professor Smith's eyes looks at me and he gives me a small smile.

A tap on my shoulder interrupts my stare off with Professor Smith. I turn around "You look beautiful today" he smiles shyly

"Thank you" I say melting on the inside. Aww he's a little nerd. By the look on his face I can just tell he wants to say something more. He glances at me opens his mouth and then closes it as if he can't find the words. He looks away from me and towards his books.

Ignoring him I continue to watch Professor Smith greet students

"Well hello college students quiet down this isn't highschool" earning a few laughs probably because in high-school that happened alot.

"I'm Professor Smith as I announced last week, I will be your literature teacher for this semester we will mostly do essays on books I will assign to you but now I want you to get to know who you are sitting next to because these seats are permanent. I'm repeating myself because most people skipped my class the first day." He gives us a playful glare

Why do I have to change partners? I was sitting next to Chole and she was really cool. Looking around the room I spot Chole but she's laughing with the people she just met in the back of the classroom

"Damn" I whisper so Harry can't hear, I turn around and Harry gives me a big smile "I'm Harry styles" he says again

"Veronica" I say hoping to keep this conversation short and sweet

"I know" he replies I nod, not surprising "And how would you know that?" I smile a little to ease my harsh voice "Don't worry about that" he quickly says responding with a smile. Ok he's just different.

"So what would you like to know?" I ask, I mean we are supposed to get to know each other. He doesn't answer me but goes into the books onto his desk pulling out a sheet of paper with writing all over. 'Things to ask Veronica' in cursive at the top of the paper. He's crazy.

"I made some questions earlier for you to answer, I figured that I would sit next to you anyway, so why not prepare right? I mean since there's plenty you can give them to me later."

"Alright but what about you I need to ask you some questions to ya know" I take the sheet of paper he shoves my way, why did I say that?

I look at the piece of paper to see the first question but it's snatched out of my hand by Harry of course

"You can come to my apartment to answer each others questions" Harry says. Giving me hopeful eyes. I can't come Ally and Aj are having a party and I want to help decorate. I also really don't want to go.

Besides I was never going to consider being alone with Harry, uh no thanks

"Shit, umm I can't I have things to do" his face expression changes, his smile gone his lips in a straight line. "I said you will becoming to my room. If you don't come I will drag you there, ok?" He then grins "I can't wait till then" I scrunch my eyes in confusion. I'm at lost for words.

Professor Smith speaks "Alright class that's the end of class. Next week we'll actually start to work"  Everyone rushes out their seats and leaves the room. Filing out one by one. I pick up my things putting them in my bag and getting up out of my seat. I need to talk to Professor Smith about this, I can't sit next to Harry. I look up at the Professor Smith and he mouths 'See you soon Ms Harrison"

I blush looking down, to hide my red colored face. I look up and see Harry walking up to the Professor. He was still here? He clutches his collared dress shirt. "She's mine, not yours, she's goddamn fuckin mine!" He roars

Professor Smiths face turns into a deep shade of purple, as Harry squeezes his neck "You won't be talking to her" he points to me "Outside of campus or on campus, you hear me?!"

The Professor quickly nods his head "I u-understand! Just let g-go" Harry roughly lets go and Mr. Smith coughs. Breathing heavily to get air into his lungs. I leave my shocked state and I run over to Mr. Smith.

I place my hand on his back "Profe-" but he flinches away from me. Harry comes over and grabs my shoulder "You won't be talking to him unless you have a school related question" and he pulls me out of the room. "Let me the fuck go." I snap pulling away from him.

"I will most definitely not listen to you!" I have no idea where that came from but I'm afraid I said it. He abruptly stops walking and turns around to face me.

"I'm just trying to help." Harry laughs "You deserve better, I mean he's a professor after all relationships like that don't last." I was never considering being in a relationship with Mr Smith. Well...

"H-Harry." I sigh "I don't want a relationship with you if that's where you were getting at." I say "I mean I-I am still making the decision if we should even be friends"

He squints his eyes at me and takes a step closer, when I take a step back. Eventually my back collides with the wall. He places his hand on either side of my head and the next thing he does surprises me.

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