- This is actually a really awesome one, Hazel dies and augustus is standing next to the grave pulls out a cigarete and lights it.
-Augustus is a player.
Wait wait what? Did we not see the whole, 17 year old virgins thing. I mean dayum hes hot but c'mon.
-Hazel despises Augustus.
That just.. How does that even work? WHO COULD POSSIBLY HATE AUGUSTUS?!
-The fault in our starbucks...
Wtf?! Starbucks is fab and totally irrelevant to the book...
- Hazels mom dies...
God your a cruel person... Hazels dying, her boyfriend dies and you just gotta kill off her mom.
-clap clap .. Facepalm-
-Issac is a proffesional golf player.
Just dont...
- On the plane to "amsterdam" it turns out they are going to be kidnapped by, you guessed it, One direction.
Hanging by a thread here...
-Peter Van Houten is a 25 year old, hot man who falls in love with Hazel.
Youve destroyed the entire thing man...
-Instead of dying, Augustus, becomes a robot and tries to get Hazel to love him again.
How tf do you even have kids with a robot..
You had your chance Augustus just walk away man..
-Hazel doesnt have cancer.
Get out of my life. How the hell did she meet ausgustus then ?!
Aye aye most of the tfios fan fics are good so theres not alot here...
I suck but i SWEAR TO GOD ON MY TFIOS BOOK that i will post an uber long one.
School tommorow... Fml 😫
Remember a work of observation and humour not ment to offend anyone 💖
Irish4clovers 🍀

The faults in our fanfics
HumorNot to offend anyone. I love all your fan fictions. This is a work of humour, entertainment and observation. Ive never read anything like this on wattpad but im sure theres one out there ;) anyway i hope you like it and give it a shot :)