The Enderborn

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Endarians are humamoid formed versions of endermen, with certain perks. Unlike their cousins, the enderman, they are able to venture into broad daylight and can be exposed to the elements without being harmed.

To this day, there are two endarians known as enderborn:

Alduin is the ruler of the

overworld and lives within his mighty enderdwarf fortress of enderbor. He and his brother Enderbrine make an interesting duo when it comes to a given task. Alduin is portrayed as an enderdwarf, an endarian in nordic style armour and a big orange beard. Not many weakness' to terrain, but, he loves horses and dogs.

Enderbrine is the brother of Alduin, and once the dragon is overthrown, he settles his fortress in the end and keeps watch over it. But a bit more reckless and has more of a darker than Alduin. Enderbrine is portrayed more beast like, with a purple and green checkered jacket. His weakness is obsidian and melons, along with horses and dogs.

Although these two are the only two enderborn, they have many followers whom are non-endarians. Some of those followers are lucky enough to become demi-end, endarian. Going thru enough rituals and perfecting the mystical art of the darkness, and the ender fog.

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