The Enderforge

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The enderforge is the most unknown forge to ever enter the history of the universe. Not much is known about the forge, but from the current knowledge on the forge it has come to the understanding that there are two known legacies of weapons. Each one enchanted under the breath of the dragon, and only able to be wielded by those who are worthy.

Dovahblade is the weapon specifically constructed for the bloodline of Alduin. The blade and her legacy has spanned for decades, and decades to come. The enderblade's name does have a significance, and describes it's purpose: Dovah, or dragon in the tongue of a dragon, speaks of it's ability to dwindle flames, and sharp as a dragon's tooth. Blade, for the weapon raised by a general to lead a charge, that decapitates and slices open the flesh of the opponent. And oddly enough, like all enderforge weapons, they have a certain side-affect. The Dovahblade having a strong aspect of igniting it's victims, and also not ever able to become dull

Bloodsplinter is the ender-axe forged for the bloodline of Enderbrine. It's name describes it's purpose: Blood, which speaks of Enderbrine's dark aspect and habit for slaughtering and griefing. Splinter, for the axe that fells trees, and gruesomely obliterating all that stands in the way. And oddly enough, like all enderforge weapons, they have a certain side-affect. The enderaxe having a habit of igniting it's victims.

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