The beginning

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(So here is the first one to read, just to let you know, the first and second chapter's name is made up.)

"Who...Who are you?"

Says the fallen earth bender lying in the ruble of the building. The young stranger before him with both of his swords in each hand after twirling them around he boldly states

"My name is Zuko. Son of Ursa and Fire Lord Ozai. Prince of the Fire Nation and heir to the throne!"

After returning his swords in the scabbard the crowd starts to whisper "prince of the fire nation". From out of this crowd an old man yells out.

"Liar! I heard of you. You're not a prince, you're an outcast! His own father burned and disowned him!"

With that Zuko returned his attention to the fallen earth bender. He reaches out to retrieve the knife he gave to Lee only to have the earth bender coward at his reach. After retrieving the knife he goes to the tower where Lee was tied up only to find that he was already release by his mother Sela. As he stood before them Sela stood in front of Lee and said in a protective way.

"Not a step closer."

Zuko keels on one knee to give Lee the knife back and says.

"It's yours, you should have it."

Lee looking at the fire bender before him angrily states.

"No I hate you!"

Then Zuko stands to go retrieve his ostrich horse.
While he starts to ride out of the village he has a flash back to the day his mother disappear and the day his father was crowned Fire Lord. As he reach the gates that lead out of town a strange women appeared out of the crowd that stood and watch him leave. She stood in his way so he could not go around.


Cries the strange women in the path. To which Sela who was watching the whole thing to cry out.

"Mother what are you doing? He's fire nation get out of the way!"

The women looks at her daughter and in the calmest voice said.

"No, tell me why he is not welcome here?"

One of the villagers shouts out.

"He's Fire Nation scum!"

"But you didn't know that until he used his fire bending!"

Looking around at the other villagers.

"You all were rooting him on, he was standing up to those soldiers when you just stood there and did nothing. It's like Lu said his own father burned and disowned him, he's a traitor to his own nation. Why is he a threat?"

All the villagers were looking at each other trying to find an answer to why the prince was such a threat to their village.
Zuko just stood there wondering why this strange old women is actually standing up for him when it seems the entire village is out to get him. All was quiet until the old women spoke again

"Well if none of you can come up with an answer I guess that's that then."

She then walks toward the prince and in front of everyone she bow's the way they do in the fire nation and ask the prince.

"Will you Prince Zuko of the Fire Nation do us the honor of staying in our town for a short while?"

Zuko looking at this women as though she is mad got off his stead and walked toward the old women. While the villagers were looking scared as he got closer to the women. There he stood in front of her bowed and stated.

"It would be a pleasure for me to stay."

And with that the villagers looked around unsure how to feel. Sela and Lee turned their backs and started to head back to their farms and everyone else started to scatter away either back to their homes or to their shops.
Zuko looking around at the villagers leaving.

"What did I get myself into?"

He thought to himself. As he was still thinking the old women tugged on his sleeve to get his attention.

"You can stay at my place until things settle down young man."

Zuko nodded his head and him and the women started to walk towards her home just outside the village. After a long silence between the two Zuko spoke up.

"I doubt people will be too kindly to a women who is sheltering a fire nation royalty in her home."

"We'll talk about that in the morning but until then let's get you inside so you can get a good night rest. You'll need it for tomorrow."

And with that she showed him the barn in which he would be staying in. Once she was gone he took in his surroundings and saw before him a small cot with fire place next to it. He started a small fire before laying down on the cot. As he stared at the dancing flickers of the flame he slowly fell to sleep; but not before thinking about what this village is going to do with him.

(So, yeah, hope you enjoyed it.)

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