Afternoon tea

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I am so pumped about this new chapter! I hope you readers are too!

Zuko: So who am I having tea with?

You'll see, on to the chapter! YAY!!

Zuko:... Crazy girl.


"Hello Cousin."

"Lu Ten?" Zuko said disbelieving what stood before him.
Lu Ten crossed his arms and began to smile.

"What were you expecting someone else?" he asked. Zuko nodded, "Actually yes. I thought I was going to see…"

Lu Ten smiled, "Don't worry I'll take you to him."

Zuko eyes widen, "Where is he?" he asked.

"Knowing him probably making afternoon tea," said Lu Ten. Zuko nodded his head. Lu Ten took a few steps forward toward Zuko, placed both hands on Zuko's shoulders.

"It's good to see you again cousin, you've really grown into a fine young prince."

Before Zuko could respond Lu Ten started to hug him and Zuko hugged him back.

"Alright," Lu Ten said while keeping one arm around Zuko.

"Let's go find him." And with that they started to journey to find the old dragon. After a short few minutes of walking in silence Lu Ten spoke up.

"Remember that time we set the armory on fire?" he asked. Zuko looked over and smirked, "What do you mean we? That was all your idea."

"Hey you're the one who set those spears on fire," said Lu Ten.

"After you burned the tapestry," said Zuko. Lu Ten open his mouth like he was about to say something only to hesitate and think for a few seconds.

"Good point."

They return to an eerie silence as they continue to walk through the swamp.

"So you guys still go to Ember Island?" asked Lu Ten. Zuko's mind wondered back to a time where his family was actually happy only to be reminded of the horror of a times past. Zuko looked back at Lu Ten.

"Not in a very long time." They returned to silence.

"Lu Ten do you know what happen to us after you died?" Zuko asked him. Lu Ten took a deep breath.

"Unfortunately I do. I've seen what you went through for all these years. I've seen the pain you suffered and for that I am truly sorry for your pain and suffering."

Before Zuko could respond Lu Ten spoke up, "Here we are."

They came into the open to a giant grassy field and in the middle of it stands a lone shed with a few tables out in front. And from the front door emerged a man dressed in simple fire nation robes holding a tray full of tea. The man looks up and sets his tray on the nearest table.
Zuko on the verge of tears barley mutters.


Iroh nods his head and close the distance between the two and grab's Zuko into a bear hug. Zuko now let's the tears flow freely.


"Jee get in here," said Shu.

"What?" Jee said.

"His fever is going down."


As Iroh poured the tea Zuko just sat and watch as the tea soon took shape in his cup. They sat in silence the both of them. Lu Ten went outside to serve the other spirits that come for a nice cup of tea. It was Zuko that broke the silence.

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