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PoV: Jimin

What did I get myself into ?

"I promise I will do my best to not dissappoint you, master" The boy says as he approaches me slowly.

"I told you, I'm not your master- You are free now!" I stutter, stepping away from him.


Soo.... long story short;
My recent case missioned me to get to one of those human slaveries you can find everywhere on deep web pages and get one victim out of there for documentation.
Thanks to my partner Jung Hoseok, who's an experienced worker when it comes to the dark net, we were able to track down one place and arranged a meeting with the 'business leader', as he called himself. We pretended to be interested customers.

Besides the fact that this place was fucking disgusting, with all those men and women that were treated like animals in cages, waiting for their day to be trafficked out, and we literally risked our life over there, we managed to free two victims. By accident actually.
It was my mistake because I thought I should be the one who smuggles one of them out, but that was Hoseok's job.
So yeah,
we ended up 'saving' two slaves and here I am;

A half naked male, standing in the middle of my living room, calling me 'his master'.

Obviously I was planning to hand him over to my agency too, though our mission was rescuing only one, but isn't saving two of them even better?

Hoseok didn't think like that. He told me to keep him first and later we'd see if we tell the agency about him or if we just try to ' blend him' in with the society. But isn't that what our agency would do anyway?
This is not our job... But I listened to him nonetheless since he's older and smarter than me.

Nr.911 is burned onto his collarbone, which is something like an item number. I remember all the slaves had their numbers somewhere on their skin. In form of a tattoo, or a burn scar like this one.

Nine-Eleven? How welcoming and pleasant, huh.

"Listen, uhhm Why don't you take a shower first? I think you really need that" I suggest as I'm taking his wrist and lead him to my bathroom.

"..A shower?" He asks quietly, tilting his head.

He knows what that is, right?

"Yeah, a shower. .. Here"
I take off the jacket I lend him earlier so he wasn't completely naked, and move him to the shower cabinet, handing him the showerhead.

"With this you simply turn on the water and controll the temperature with it. There's some shampoo and body lotion, you can use it if you want to"
As soon as I turn on the water, he twitches in fear and tries to get out of the cabinet.

"Calm down, it's just water.." I say encouraging yet shocked. Shocked that he thought this would harm him.

I keep him in the cabinet and let the water run slowly over his skin, until he understands that it's not dangerous and he can do it by himself.

My nose starts itching from the yukky smell that's on him. It smells like a mix of dead body and sperm.

I leave the room and search for some clothes that would fit him.

Less than 10 minutes later I go back to the bathroom to check if he's fine.

Still showering.

"Here are some clothes you can put on when you're done, okay?" I ask when placing the clothes and a towel on a drawer next to the shower.

He doesn't answer, but I'm guessing he heard me anyway and leave the room again.

I go to the living room and let myself sink onto the big sofa.

"Geez..." I sigh.

I wonder how old that boy is.. He must be either super young, which wouldn't surprise me since thats what sick fucks from the dark net are up to, Or maybe he's a grown ass man with a baby face.

I'm aware of the possibility that he's perhaps very uneducated and doesn't understand that he's more than... I don't even know. A sex toy, I'd say.

Poor guy.. I wonder if people like him grow up in such places... Or do they get kidnapped?
..It's beyond messed up.

Most people like me, live their normal everyday life. Kids go to school, adults go to work. We worry about stuff like fashion, education, future plans, dreams, mental health and so on.
And then there's the hidden side of society. Human trafficking, even little kids. Cannibalism, Torture. Assassins. Everything evil is being handled and planned under the dark net.

It's frightening.


Suddenly there's a loud sound coming from the bathroom, like something metallic fell on floor.
Immediately I run to the bathroom to check what happened.

The boy is just standing there, getting dressed. Everything seems fine. So what happened?

"What was that sound??" I ask him.

He stays silent and shrugs.

Was that just my imagination..?

Then I see that he's having problems buttoning up the shirt I gave him.

"What are you doing? You just need to push the buttons through the little holes" I say as I walk up to help him.

He smells much better now and his skin is clean too. Kinda.
Taking a look from close up, I can see that parts of his skin are lighter than the rest of his skin tone. It looks like pieces of skin and hair were ripped off, what the fuck?
The bruises are not a surprise to me.

"I'm sorry" He mumbles.

"It's okay." I sigh.
"Now you know how it's done."

The male then stares at me with wide open eyes.

"..What?" I ask confused.

"What do I have to do? I don't understand, I'm sorry" He says emotionless as he's still staring at me.


I ignore what he said and put a towel on his head, his hair is dripping wet.

"Why don't you tell me your name first, hm?" I ask whith a little smile while rubbing his hair gently with the towel to get it dry.

He just points at his collarbone where the tiny number's at.

"Uhmm, '9 1 1'? No, like a real name I mean. Without a number" I clarify.

He makes a confused and overwhemed expression, not knowing what to say.

He forgot his own name?? He must have a name though, ..right?

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