The Curtain Falls

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A/N: this chapter is unfinished. I decided a while back I was not going to continue writing it, but I decided I may as well share with you way I had already written before I made that decision. It simply makes me uncomfortable to write fanfiction about real people, no matter how much I like the story. I'm sorry, but I hope you can at least enjoy where I wanted the story to go.

They landed in front of a small building where a line was forming out the door. People, mainly teenagers, chattered excitedly. Most of them wore combinations of robes and NoMaj fashion, much like Stephanie. Some wore complete NoMaj clothes, like Courtney, who was in a flowy dress and a pair of jeans.
"Come on," Jason said, leading the group past the line. He whispered something to the man at the door, who nodded and smiled. He held the door open as the six of them walked into a big room with a stage at the front.
"We got here just in time," Jason noted. The dimly lit room was already crowded and more people were filling in. To their right was a bar, where some older kids were getting drinks and laughing. To the left was a dark stage."We better get a good spot now."
They pushed through the crowd until they reached a spot Gen had deemed worthy. They managed to get pretty close to the stage. Jason headed back to the bar to get himself and Gen something to drink. Stephanie and Austin were trying to get Gen to slip and tell them about what was happening. Courtney tugged Matthew's arm. "Matthew," she said as quietly as she could while still trying to be heard over the noise. "Isn't that Apolla?"
Matthew turned and craned his neck to see what Courtney was pointing at. "Where?" He asked, but a moment later he saw her. She was looking prettier than usual in short, dark red dress robes. She had also acquired a nice tan over the summer. Matthew's heart did a little dance. Although they had both agreed to breaking up, it did not stop him from liking Apolla quite a bit.
"I wonder who that is she's with," Courtney said as they watched another boy wrap his arms around her shoulders. He was much taller and had a lean, muscular figure. Matthew had never seen him before. He caught a glimpse of a tattoo on the boy's arm, but Matthew didn't have a chance to see what it was before- "Ugh. Get a room," Courtney wretched at the sight of Apolla kissing the boy and turned Matthew away.
"He doesn't look like good news," Matthew said.
"Ignore it," Courtney said. "She's smart enough. She'll realize it herself."
"Maybe I should-"
"No, Matthew." Courtney tugged his arm. "You're not her knight in shining armor."
"What does that mean?"
"You are not her guardian. You're not her protector," Courtney urged. "Besides, you have another girl you should be worrying about."
Matthew raised an eyebrow. "Who are you talking about?"
Courtney shook her head and mumbled, "If you haven't figured out for yourself that you have a crush on her, it's not my job to tell you," as she turned around.
Matthew was still standing silently befuddled when Jason came back and handed him a drink. "Courtney said you like this stuff." Before Matthew could thank him, the building went dark. "Show time." Matthew looked up at the stage.
After a moment in the darkness, stage lights came on. There was a boy about Matthew's age sat on a stool with a guitar. Introducing himself as Illion and thanking everyone for coming out. People clapped and he started to play.
"Wait a minute," Matthew said, "I thought you said we'd like her."
But Jason had moved away and was now standing with Genevieve. Instead, Stephanie stood beside him. She smiled at him. "I was just thinking the same thing. Maybe this is the pre-show. Anyway, he's good."
"Cute, too," Austin said from behind her.
Stephanie giggled as Austin rested his chin on the top of her head. "Agreed." Matthew felt his stomach drop. He turned back to watch the show.
After finishing his fifth song, Illion stood up and thanked everyone. He bowed as the crowd cheered for him. "Wait, was that it?" Austin moaned. The stage went dark again after Illion was out of sight.
The crowd became noisy again with chatter. Nobody left, though, they just shifted around. Some people went to get drinks and others just seemed to be forming new groups.
Fifteen minutes later, the lights on the stage brightened again to reveal the form of a petite woman. She wore billowing white robes and kept her eyes on the ground. She lifted her head and looked over the crowd as she sang her first note. She smiled. It was Azalea.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2018 ⏰

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