Chapter 15

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Third-ish pov mainly centered on Bb tho-))

The small yellow bot honestly couldn't remember why he was here. Or how he got here really.

His processor was blank as his limbs began to move him to their desired location. That didn't stop the churning of his tanks telling him something was wrong.

And something was very, very wrong.
"Why am I....?" Bumblebee couldn't figure our how to finish that sentence, his processor felt muggy and heavy

He stated at his servos vision clearing a little. The small bot finally looked around and took in his surroundings.

Why was he on a freeway?

He glanced at the construction vehicles around. Unoccupied vehicles.
He was alone.

The small bot lifted a servo to rub at his temple. His helm felt empty but overstuffed and fuzzy.

So many incomplete thoughts bounced within his processing unit, thoughts that were too.... off to be his own.

'Weld here-'

'No wait moment that won't-'

'Did I feed that organic today?-'

'... he's old he'll just have to survive-'

These were a few thoughts He could barely make our over the loud chatter of ideas and mindless things overlapping and cutting each other off.

Bee couldn't hear himself think!


His haze was lifted a little as he perked up, "Didn't boss-bot tell me not to leave the base?...." He murmured softly

He was sure there was a response in the sudden flood of thoughts that ran over his processor, but he couldn't make out a coherent answer.

Bumblebee hummed softly as his stabilizers began to.once again lead him somewhere without him commanding them to do so. Though he couldn't bring himself to stop.

The small yellow bot contiuned to climb up the incomplete freeway until he was at the edge of the top part of the still forming slope of concrete and asphalt.

Usually, Bee would be more excited about the thought of another road to race on, but his emotions just wouldn't flood over him.

"BUMBLEBEE!" The yellow mech looked down at his medic

"BUMBLEBEE! WE NEED TO GET YOU BACK TO BASE RIGHT NOW!" Ratchet shouted from the road below, almost worried about one of the two most annoying beings on his team

But Bee couldn't get his limbs to move, it was like he was frozen in place like a glitched out NC. 

"BUMBLEBEE GET DOWN HERE NOW !" The medic shouted in a commanding voice.

"I-I CAN'T!!" Bumblebee cried return unable to make himself move

Ratchet stared at him for a few short nano-kliks before jumping into action. He transformed and drove up the closed off ramp up to the freeway.

Bumblebee heard the jet before he saw it. He turned and looked at the sky were he heard the loud rumble of the engine of the purple and grey jet coming right at him.

The small bot knew that he should run and get out of his path, but his stabilizers couldn't seem to listen to his command. He couldn't find the will to panic as a soft voice cooed that it would be alright.

He could hear ratchets yelling as he got closer, but he couldn't comprehend what the medic was saying. He wat watched as Blitzwing transformed midair.

Ratchet shouted loudly as he was grabbed and taken off by the triple-changer.

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