Surroundings (Lemon)

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(Hey guys, so at school for my English class I have this little writing I do every week and one week we were able to write about a time machine. Now I got an amazing idea about turning it into a lemon so yeah here it is this is it after I tweaked it with it lemony goodness.)
I was walking down the street not looking at my surroundings with music blasting in my ears. I tripped over a very hard object almost planted face first into the pavement. "ugh what th.." I say rubbing my head noticing I wasn't on the sidewalk anymore, infact I was in the woods. Seems like I really was into my song. I get up and brush off the dirt on my knees. I look at the spot that I tripped trying to make out the object. It looks like it is made out of metal. I crouch down brushing leaves and wiping off the screen with my hand. I freeze in awe. I couldn't believe my eyes, I was mesmerized at this contraption. I start digging the dirt around it to loosen the gadget. I pick it up examining it. I turn it around and look at letters making them out since they are some what faded. "Google Travel:2169," I mouthed. I turn it back around as I noticed a button. Me being curious I push it and and all these neon colors flash in my face. A little keyboard slides out. "Type year destination, please," the machine said to me. I thought about it. I don't believe that this little thing is really a time machine. so I think of the years 1775-1783. "The grown-up America fights against England for his independence, in the Revolutionary War," I whisper to myself. I slowly type in the year 1783 and shakily press enter. Green light flashes in my face nearly blinding me, air shot into my face making me hair fly back and then, black. I wake up wheezing and coughing up the dirts and dust I consumed. " Hey Britain, all I want is my freedom. I'm no longer a child, nor your little brother. From now on, consider me independent," I hear a man say. I shoot up my head, "Alfred and Arthur, " I whisper. "No!" Arthur runs up to Alfred with his bayonet and strikes him in his own making it fly up in the air. "I won't allow it, you idiot why can't you follow anything through to the end," Arthur says as he points his weapon to Alfred's head "Ready, Aim," the soldiers say pointing their guns at him. "No!" I scream running to them. "Don't shoot him," I calmly state. Alfred was staring at me shocked "How did you get here," he murmurs to me. "I am not leaving, look you guys are family, you shouldn't be fighting," I say as I look at Arthur. "Look, I don't want you to get hurt. You look beaten up and dirty all ready," He takes my hands and lowers down to my level, "How about you stay here for a little until we get someone to come and get you." He tries his hardest to put a smile on his face. I open my mouth to explain to him about the time machine but being that we are in the 18th Century he wouldn't believe me and it will mess more up then I have already done. He calls someone over to bring me to a safer part of the battlefield. "There is no way I could shoot you, I can't," I turn my head back over to them as Arthur lowers his gun and throws it onto the ground. Falling to the ground with his head in his hands he sobs "Why, damn it why, it's not fair," Alfred looks down at him "You know why. What happened, I remember when you were great," I peer over the mans shoulder clenching onto it holding back my tears. It kills me to see this. I lay down looking up at the stars on a blanket the soldier laid down for me. "Hey kid," I move my head over looking at Alfred "Mind if I sit with you," I prop myself up on my elbows "Yeah, I guess," I slide over giving him room on the blanket so he won't be sitting in mud. "May I ask what's your name," He looks at me concerningly "It's, (y/n)" I whisper looking down twiddling my thumbs. "Well, then, (y/n), how'd you get here in the first place," I froze up. "pardon me," I say slowly turning my head. "I asked how'd you get here as in how did you get here on this battlefield." What do I say, I know if I say time travel I will screw things up big time, "Um...umm," I stutter. "You don't remember, huh?" Once he said that I felt tons of weight lift off my shoulders. "Yeah, I guess I hit my head hard or something," I chuckled "Yeah you don't look too hot he says looking at my tattered clothes and all the dirt on my face. I continue to cough once again, "come on, lets get you in some shelter," He stands up grabbing my hand making me blush. He walks me over to a log room built into the ground "This is where I stay, but I guess you could stay until we find help to get you back home." He climbed down and tells me to sit and he grabs my waist and pulls me down being that I am much shorter than him. He walks over to a bundle of sticks over to the side. "I'm just building a fire to warm you up," and kneels down. He heats up the sticks with a smoothened one creating sparks. He turns around to see me shaking curled up into a ball. He drops the stick and takes a blanket and wraps it around me. My goodness he is good with people. He wraps his arms around me adding extra heat to my body. "The fire should burst any second," after he says that, the sticks bursted in flames. He sits back next to me. "You are pretty brave. You do know if Britain wanted to he would of shot you," he states gazing into the dancing flames. I yawn laying myself down and rolling over to fall asleep, but as I do I soon realize that this was the only blanket. I sit up to see Alfred putting more sticks into the fire. "When the fire burns out how will you keep warm if this is your only blanket," I ask concerned being that it is very chill here in this time. "If you need to we could share this blanket," not trying to make it awkward being that we will have to share a blanket and sleep right next to each other being that it is small. He smiles and crawls to me and lies down. "Good night," He whispers. A couple of minutes I feel so very uncomfortable and I want to turn over but then my face would be in his chest. Ugh why does this have to happen. This is the most awkward thing ever. I couldn't bare with it anymore and I just turn. I felt him tense up and he laughs, "You better now, Princess," I slap his chest then I start having another coughing attack. He sits up too and and rubs my back. "Wow, you get colds pretty easily," he states as he reaches for his canteen of water and hands it to me. I put it to my lips and try to consume it but spit it back out because of my coughing. He takes me into his arms and caresses my hair trying to calm down my coughing. Soon as I am done coughing he lays me down still with his arms around me. I curl up shaking. "It's okay, in the morning you could go to the stream and bathe there," I shake my head scared if I inhale I will cough again. Nothing but silence, all I can hearing Alfred breathe and his heartbeat which makes me more comfortable I. The situation I am in, I feel safe. How could he fall asleep during this. I snuggle up more into his chest and close my eyes and fall asleep.

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