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I was curled up in a small cage, trying to hide myself in the corner. There was nothing to do other than wait for feeding time, which was cold milk.

I curled in on myself harder when loud noises started echoing in from the hallway.

It didn't take long for the noises to go quiet and steps to echo down the hall, stopping outside the door.

"I'm outside lab four," I heard a woman say, just before the door opened slowly.

I let out a small bleet when she got closer to my cage.

"Another money making facility," she muttered.

I heard the clicks of my cage before the door swung open.

Footsteps ran down the hallway and the woman spun back, gun drawn and aimed at the door.

"Tasha it's just me," a bulky blond called out upon seeing the weapon.

She lowered it.

"What'd you find?" the man asked as he stepped into the room, looking around cautiously.

I gave a small bleet, causing their attention to focus on me.

"What's that?" the blond asked, crouching beside the woman.

"Deer fawn, I think they're trying to breed rare mutations like this to sell to hunters," she informed, reaching into the cage to drag me out by the back of my neck.

I bleeted loudly and struggled against her.

"C'mon," the woman muttered as she dragged me out, I kicked her in the stomach with a loud bleet.

The blond reached past her and pulled me out himself, I bleeted and flailed wildly. His other hand grabbed my head, pressing it against his chest.

I slowed my flailing, "Where are we gonna leave this little guy?" the blond asked, walking out of the room with Tasha.

"Clint probably, the kids love this kinda thing," Tasha told him, the two walked down the hall and up a few flights of stairs before walking outside.

There were a few others seemingly waiting for the two.

I flattened my ears against my skull.

"Whatcha got there Cap?" a metal suit asked, stepping forward.

"It is adorable," a woman wearing red commented, a man with white hair lingered behind her.

"You two can take it to Clint when we drop you off," Tasha informed as she walked past, heading towards a jet.

Cap took a step towards the white haired man, who took me from him.

I bleeted and started kicking again, "Hold its head to your chest, it seems to calm it down," Cap informed, walking past.

The man did as he'd said and I quieted, the woman in red started to pet my head when I did.

To: Clint From: Natasha (Avengers Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now