chapter three

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He pulled back on the glass door and walked through. It smelled like the typical doctors' office. He made his way to the front desk

"Mr. Demarco, how can I help you?" The blond from behind the counter said looking up with a smile. 

"Annie, I told you to just call me JD," Sam responded.

"All right then, JD, what can I do for you?"

"I need to get a copy of my fiancé's medical records."

"Let me see what I can do," she rolled her chair across the small room behind the desk to the file cabinet.

She bent down and pulled out the bottom drawer. The lady rustled through the files and pulled out a yellow folder. She stood up and walked to the copy machine and began to make copies. Sam looked around the room. His eyes went straight to the two seats beside the corner. It was the place they sat the last time they were here.

"I can't believe we've made it this far," Andy said smiling at Sam. She placed her hand in his and intertwined their fingers.

"What do you mean?" He asked looking back at her. He loved to see her smile.

"Well, you know-us, the baby, your job, this new start here with you," Andy rested her free hand on her bump. Sam smiled.

"We have come a long way, and I'm excited for the road ahead," he pulled the back of her hand to his lips.

"What are people going to say? Literally everyone back home, Luke, my dad- Oh my God! My dad doesn't even know!" Andy worried.

"An- Candace," Sam caught himself before saying her name, "we will cross that bridge when we come to it. Don't let what people think get in the way of your happiness. I imagine several people, including Luke, are going to be pissed- Boyd for sure. But you're dad, he'll understand, and he'll be over the moon. In the end it's you, me, and this baby right here," Sam looked over at Andy who had a tear fall from her eye. Andy wiped it away.

"Ugh, I hate you," Andy laughed. Her hormones were still a wreck and anything would make her cry.

"Candace Wilson," Sam and Andy looked to the door. He helped her stand up.

"No, you don't; you love me," he said smiling at her. They walked towards the door. Andy waddled.

"Yeah, I do"

"Here you go, JD," Annie said from behind the front desk. She placed the copies in a folder on top of the counter. Sam stood up and picked them up.

"Thanks Annie; by the way, is there any way I speak with Doctor Lizzotte for a moment about Candace?"

"I'm sorry, but he's out for the week with a family emergency," she responded. Sam thanked her and walked out the door.

Two weeks later

"God, Frank! It's been two weeks, and you still don't have a lead! She's out there somewhere, and she's terrified and alone and not to mention pregnant. That's my kid and my fiancé out there, for crying out loud!" Sam fussed.

"Swarek, you need to calm down," Frank stated. People were starting to stare.

"No, I'm not! Her due date was three days ago. I don't know if she's had the baby or if she's even alive."

"Sam, I get it, but you've-"

"No, you don't get it. You have Noelle, and you have Olivia. You get to go home to them at the end of the day. What do I get? An empty apartment because the love of my life and my child are missing. Because no one here can find them!"

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