chapter four

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His phone rang. The light from the screen lit up the room. Sam had closed the curtains to block the sunshine from waking him up. He had hoped to sleep in since he had been unable to sleep at night for the last few weeks. He reached for the noisy phone on his nightstand.

"Swarek," Sam answered groggily. He sat up in his bed and wiped his eyes.

"Frank says you need to get down here," a voice responded. It took Sam a minute to figure out that the voice belonged to Chris Diaz.

"Is it Andy? Is there a lead?" Sam asked. His heart started racing.

"I'm not sure, sir. He only said to tell you to come down to the station."

"All right. I'll be there soon."

Sam climbed out of bed. He threw on a light grey academy tee and a pair of loose black shorts. He stuffed his feet into his tennis shoes not bothering to untying them. Sam didn't care though. She could be there. This all could be over. They could be happy. They could be a family now.

By the time he reached the precinct, the digital clock in his Ford changed to a quarter until six. He slammed the door not bothering to grab his wallet or phone.

He had to know if it was her. He had to know if it were all over; if they could be together again. Sam made a line headed straight for the sergeant's office. He stopped to turn around when he heard his name being called from across the room.

"Swarek, come with me." Sam quickly caught up with the voice which had belonged to Jerry. He followed his best friend down the hall to a door. "Have a seat."

"Oh,God," Sam said as he pulled his hands to his face. "It's her, Jer. She's gone isn't she?"

"We don't know that yet, but we do have something."

"What?" Sam asked. In his eyes, Jerry could see a broken man desperately waiting for some glimpse of hope to grasp onto.

"We got a call from an officer over at 27. Someone found a baby on their doorstep and called it in." Sam's face lit up at Jerry's words.

"Is it? Is it my- mine and Andy's kid?"

"We're still waiting on DNA test to confirm, but I am fairly certain it is. There was a note with the baby. Forensics pulled a partial print from the paper. It came back with a match-Andy's. Not to mention the hand writing matches hers exactly."

"Do you think she's still alive?"

"I don't know, Sammy. I wish I did. I think maybe she could be. Forensics found residue from latex glove. I think whoever delivered the baby knew what they-." Jerry was cut off by a knock on the door.

"Sam, I've got someone I want you to meet," Noelle said as she walked into the room carrying a tiny little bundle. For the first time in weeks, a smile crept across is face.

"How-how do I hold a ba-" Sam began to ask. He was cut off my Noelle.

"It's easy. Just put your arms out- just like that." She leaned down to pass the sleeping child to Sam. Tears welded in his eyes.

She was beautiful, a spitting image of her mother. She was perfect. He raised her up and gently placed his lips against the sleeping child's forehead.

"I just fed her; so she will be out for a while. Come find me when she wakes up, and I'll help you." Noelle said before walking back out of the room.

"I'll let you two have some time," Jerry said smiling. "Let me know if you need anything, brother," he said before following behind Noelle.

Sam leaned back into the couch and held his newborn daughter close. He was almost happy. They were almost a family. He missed Andy dearly. He couldn't stand the thought of losing her. She had to be all right. She had to be safe. The Andy McNally he fell in love with was a fighter. She was going to survive this. He she would, but he still had a feeling.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2018 ⏰

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