Chapter Eight: PARTY TIME!!!!!

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So I think this is the chapter you may or may not like but it is party time! so difrrent parts for Autumn and Dustin you'll see this chapter starts off with Autumn :-)  thanks guys


Today was the party and I knew exactly what I was going to wear. It was a black shimmery skirt with a white shirt and a pair of silver pumps. I drove to Kasey’s house where I was greeted by Kasey.

“Ugh hey Autumn your early the first actually aside from my girlfriend. Nobody shows up before ten ever ha-ha”

He had a girlfriend and wow I had to be the spaz that showed up at 8pm what to do.

“Hello!” the blonde hair blue eyed girl greeted.

“Hi I’m…”

“Autumn she continued hi Autumn I am Chloe Kasey’s girlfriend.”

“You don’t go Forstberg high do you”

“No I am in College; I’m a sophomore this year”

“Oh that explains it, well because I’m the only person here can I help with something?”

“Yea you can help set out drinks.”


“So Chloe what high school did you go to”?

“ Frostberg Kasey was a sophomore we meant in gym class he was so charming and sweet even  though we had a three year age difference it was something about him that just drew me too him.”

“Yea I know how that feels.”

“So what about you and your guy you know your boyfriend.”

“There is no guy no boyfriend we had to break up well temporary anyway I just moved here you know.”

“Yes I do you’ll find someone again in time.”

She was right I would but I had already found someone I was interested in but he was being a douche. Ten o’clock rolled around and people started to roll in and the party was started. I started to dance with the crowd drinks were passed around which I knew had alcohol in it but I didn’t care tonight was the night I was letting loose and enjoying myself, and not worrying about it, him, Dustin.

That’s when he walked in Dustin I wanted nothing to do with him so I left the crowd I was dancing with and headed for another drink at the drinks table.  No I’m not a drinker but to deal with this night I knew I had to have a couple drinks.


I saw her as soon as I walked in she, she had to have seen me too because the look upon her face explained it all. She left the crowd she was dancing with and headed for the drink table for another drink. I wanted to go and talked to her but I knew she hated me for what I did and who could blame her.

I walked to the drink table where she was she spotted me dead on and said

 “Not now please”

“I need to talk to you.”

“No I can’t not now let me party have fun why can’t you just go away.”

With that she walked away and began to dance with some douche bag.


I can’t believe he actually thought everything was okay between us. I had to walk away get away from him. I started dancing with my some random boy because I knew it would make him made and he would go away. I didn’t want to give into his ability to seem to pull me into him to pull me into his somewhat of charm that he has.

The boy I was dancing with was taller than me tall enough to block my view of Dustin which was great. He looked at me with an interesting look but yet a almost devilish grin. This boy was scary but he kept me away from Dustin and thinking about Dustin and seeing his face because I knew that wherever he was looking.

The boy asked me if I wanted another drink I answered him with a yes. He went over to the table and grabbed me a drink when I was done I began to feel sick quezzy.

“You okay”

 I heard the boy ask

“Yea I’m fine I just”

Next thing I know I’m waking up in a bed but I’m still in the house did Dustin not care to come looking for me.


Where was she last time I saw her she, she was with that douche I don’t know who or what his name was just. I began to ask everyone where she was and if she left the party. Everyone said no they hadn’t seen her and they didn’t see her leave the party. I knew she was somewhere in here but where it was so many rooms so many people I just couldn’t place her. I started calling for her.

I asked Stiles and Derrick where was she did they see her. Derrick told me yea she went upstairs with that dude.

WHAT WHAT!!!!!! That’s not like her she wouldn’t do anything like that Autumn was a good girl, the quite, the girl your ex would hate, the girl your mother would love and just that girl you’ll want forever she was the girl you just know you want to be with.

 I ran upstairs and searched the rooms of the big house but could find her that’s when I heard a scream and ran to it.


I screamed, screamed for help as I cried out for anyone to help I heard him say no one is going to help you they don’t even know you’re missing. Who cares about some little new student you’re a reject. Why do you think Dustin doesn’t want to be with you a snotty little virgin is what you are but after tonight you won’t be?

You drugged me but why??? Don’t you assholes drug the girl take her and RAPE! Her then leave her there to wake up feeling violated disgusting afterwards or something??? But you don’t care because you will never understand that. Just please let me go please I want to go home i dont want to be that girl. I pleaded with him. I just wanted to go. I was scared I did not know this boy he was just someone who I was dancing with to block out Dustin. and i didnt want to loose my virginity like this.

Yes and don’t plead with me it doesn’t work and I just wanted to get you here I’m a different type of guy my tactics are different. He then climbed on top of me an pinned my arms beside my head I started to scream louder I knew the music was playing I tried wiggling my way out but he just tightened his grip I screamed hoping someone anyone would help me come to my rescue when BOOM the door was kicked in it was him.


I grabbed the dude off her as fury and rage ran through my body I started beating this guy to a pulp blow by blow punch by punch. Everyone started running upstairs and I saw them look at me then charged I knocked some of them away I wanted to kill this guy he hurt my sweet, sweet Autumn. It was almost like I blacked out but had one focus to make sure this guy went home hurting in pain he rape her that asshole raped her. I was finally pulled off by my friends. He was hauled away and thrown out of Kasey’s party. I went to the bedside beside her and picked her up are you okay???

Yea I’m fine I just want….want… can you hold me Dustin???

Yea sure anything for you comes here.

We cuddled for a bit her in my arms crying I think… I think I was falling in love with Autumn. With that thought we fell asleep.

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