Chapter 15

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* 2 months later..

Jasira's Pov:

I think I can speak for everyone that we all are happy for Ana and Jesse's relationship and that Ana is feeling much better. I was a mess when she's been a coma I couldn't sleep or eat. Jesse too, but he was much worse.

Sometimes I wonder what the hell would Ana's and my life be like right now if we weren't ever taken by Jesse and Kori if we never met them. Now that we've put that past us and forgiven each other and are now considered family I don't think I could ever imagine a life without them and I'm pretty sure Ana as well.

Ana's POV:

I'm late.. on my period. I've been throwing up a lot everyday in the morning this past week and I've been recently getting a craving of Nutella with pretzels and all this could only mean one and one thing only...

I'm pregnant..

It would make totally sense I mean Jesse and I last did it 2 weeks ago and we didn't use a condom. I need to go the store and get a pregnancy test to be sure before I could tell Jesse anything.


Sorry it's short, but it's going to continue on to the next chapter:) sorry for the wait to update. I've been catching up on one of the books in my library reading it.

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