chapter two

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i walk through the door, excitingly yelling "Cait! Cait! Cait!"

she was standing over the counter and before i had even caught a glimpse of what she was doing, i started spilling my day out to her, "Rachel asked me to do her walk through! and Cait, it was like i knew her in a past life. she looked at me like she hadn't seen me in a thousand years, but the connection that i felt with her is like I've loved her since the very beginning of time..."

suddenly i was interrupted by a quiet meowing sound. i looked over the step up island and i see a little orange tabby kitten sitting on the counter. it couldn't have been more than six weeks old.

i pause for a second, "Cait, i have a few questions..."

"okay?" she looked up at me with big eyes, and a sly smirk on her face

"first, where did you get it? second, why is it here? and third, where the hell is it going? because it is not staying here." i said firmly.

"i found her and her brother on the side of the interstate!" she exclaimed "i took Jax to be groomed and to get ice cream and on the way back i saw them. i pulled over and as soon as i got them in the car Jax immediately started licking her. they crawled up next to him and they all slept the whole way home. but i did think of you! i stopped and got you something." she reached over and grabbed a plastic bag and pulled out a box of allergy medicine. "see, now we can keep both of them and you won't die!! her name is mia and his name is Colby. i already made her a bed, they're all sharing a room togoether." she sounded so excited as she hands me the box of medicine and rushes down the hallway to show me what she had done to Jax's room.

after the cat fiasco was over i fixed dinner, fed Jax and took him out, and we both worked on our books. before i knew it, it was almost midnight and i had to be up in a few hours, so i showered and got into bed, preparing myself for my first week of training.


ny alarm went off at eight, and i jumped out of bed, to take care of Jax, Colby and Mia. i ran into Cait's room. "get up and come help me! i have no idea what to wear but i'm working with Jess today so help me pick something that makes my ass look big." she didn't respond and i hit her with a pillow. "you know i've been waiting for this day all week so get up and help me!" i said laughing but we both knew how serious i really was.

although Cait has never been a morning person she got up anyway, picked up a kitten, and went into my closet. while she was in there, and I was doing my make up...
"Cait, the past week... training with her and getting to know her has been so great. she's told me so much about her childhood and we have so much in common. and shes just so funny, its actually obnoxious how much we laugh when we're together."

"you? laughing? at work? damn, this girl must be a genie or something if she can make you laugh. at work of all places, too."

finally she pulled out a pair of black jeans, a maroon floral shirt and a black cardigan. i put it on with black boots, pear earrings and my watch.

"do i look okay?" i asked several times.

"i already said yes. shut up about it and go before you're late, stupid." she said in such a loving voice.

i picked up my bag and headed for the door,

"okay, thank you. I'll see you when you get off, 9 right? i love you, have a good day, and bring home pizza." i yelled as i closed the door behind me.

it's only like a ten minute drive to work so that doesn't give me much time to play through all the scenarios in my head, but it does give me time to listen to my favorite play list. i pulled into the same parking place i park in everyday and when i opened my door i heard a voice say "hurry, it's gonna start snowing and i want to walk in with you."

I could feel my heart start to race and i looked up to see the flushed, bright eyed girl i had gone home to tell my best friend about a week earlier. i got out of the car and gave her an innocent smile.
"how has your first week back been?" i asked, curiously.

"it's been really amazing. the people here are so great, and it feels so good to be home." she said with the most exciting look on her face.
"although Candice, my girlfriend, really doesn't like me being back here."
i stopped and looked at her with the most distraught look on my face.
her words hit me like.... like a fucking brick.

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