
52 18 3


Aren't we lovely?
Living on a land of life...

yet we're still living evilly.
Killing the land we live on that sacrifices itself for our lives.

Aren't we lovely?
Living together as one...

yet we still separate each other into categories of race, religion and sexuality.

Aren't we lovely?
Living as rich and poor...

shouldn't we be equal?

Aren't we lovely?
Living happily day-to-day...

though those smiles are fake
and beautiful laughs are

Aren't we lovely?
Being educated together in large institutions...

yet we still treat one another according to a social hierarchy

that doesn't exist.

But I guess we're just humans,
living lovely, day-to-day lives

that probably aren't that lovely.



I published this poem again because it's part of a new book.

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