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you should see me in a crown

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you should see me in a crown.



Mackenzie shuffled into her apartment, arms full with shopping bags. She never knew people needed so many clothes.

"This is so weird, I'll never get over this." She sighed.

The amount of attention the three 'robots' received on the walk home was ridiculous. Mackenzie had a pocket full of little scraps of paper with phone numbers that women AND men had passed along to a very confused Johnny.

Actually, Mackenzie tried not to drool too much herself. She had to keep reminding herself on what he was and where he came from.

She never wanted a robot as a boyfriend and refused to start now.

"I'm really sad we didn't get ice cream, Princess." He mumbled warily, dropping his bags inside the apartment.

She kicked her shoes off into the living room. "That's nice." She says mindlessly, walking like a zombie into her bedroom.

She gently slides the door close with her hip and stumbles into her bed, arms and legs spread out on the bedsheets. "I missed you so much, bed." She murmurs.

Today was very hectic for Mackenzie. Tired was an understatement.

A tiny knock comes from the door. "Princess? Can I have a blanket? It's cold out here." His muffled voice asked.

She huffs before leaving her comfortable bed and grabbing a blanket from her closet. She swings the door open and shoves it into his hands. "There you go, goodnight."

Closing the door, she jumps into her bed happily.

Then, another soft knock comes from the door. "Can I have a pillow too? The couch is uncomfortable."

She huffs again and bitterly grabs a pillow off her bed, swinging the door open and throwing it at him without a word. She doesn't waste any time shutting the door and falling into her bed.

That is, before he disrupted her peace again.

"Help." Johnny whined from the couch. He kicked his legs in the air, unbuttoning the top of his new designer jeans.

"What is it now?" She dragged herself out of the room and into the living room, completely annoyed.

"They're too tight." He groaned, struggling with the jeans. "Princess..."

She stared at him bewilderedly, trying to keep her unholy thoughts cleared. "Sounds like a personal issue."

"Please," he squeaked as she attempted to escape.

She groans irritatedly as she marches over his direction. He lays still and stretches his legs out to help when she grabs the edge of his jeans and pulls.

Mackenzie is sweating. The jeans are really that tight.

She yanks with all her strength and the tight fabric finally comes loose, sliding off Johnny's legs and sending Mackenzie back with a stumble.

"Anymore request?" She breathes and watches as he puts a pair of gym shorts on.

He fiddles with his fingers. "Can I sleep with you? I don't like the couch..."

"Are you serious? You're a complete stranger."

"But, I'm not a stranger!" He pouts. "I'm your boyfri–"

She scoffed. "Stop saying that. You're not my boyfriend, robot."

"Why not? This is why I'm here. I'm here to love you!" He exclaimed, standing from the couch and hugging her tightly.

His arms were wrapped tight around her hips as she tried to break free from his grasp.

"Alright, that's enough, robot. Let go." She demanded.

"You know, Princess," his nose nuzzled the crook of her neck. "You're very pretty."

"I'm aware."

Then, a hand slides under her shirt and trails up her spine. "But you'll look even prettier under me." He murmurs.

"Get off me or I'll rip your hand off." She warned through gritted teeth.

"But I can't help it!" He slipped his hand out and hugged her again. "This is how you made me, don't you like who I am?"

Mackenzie knew she should've put a 6 on his sexual activity rate.

"Why don't you like when I touch you?" He mumbled.

"You can't just randomly touch people, you have to ask first." She explained sternly.

"Can I touch you again, Princess?" He whispered, tugging her earlobe with his teeth teasingly.

She shrieked as she stomped on his foot. "Go to bed, you headass!"

And with that, she marched into her room and slammed her door shut.

Well, this story is going to be interesting. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)




A/N: so my drug dealer just went to prison lol fucking crackhead

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