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black beatles

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black beatles.



Mackenzie was a panting mess.

"Round four, please, Princess." He begged, snuggling into her back.

Her eyes widen. "Are you kidding me? I barely survived round one!"

He chuckles before kissing her, rolling over so that she's beneath him as he becomes more aggressive. He pecks kisses down her neck, stopping to bite at her collarbone.

"I can't get enough of–" he mumbles against her skin, but he's cut off by the ringing of her phone.

She sighs in relief, mentally thanking whoever called her for saving her ass. "Pass me that." She gestures towards the nightstand.

Groaning in irritation, he rolls off of her, scattering across the bed to retrieve her phone.

"Here." He grumbles, shoving the phone in her hand. "Hurry, Princess."

Not looking at the contact, she smashes the answer button and pants into the phone. "What's the stitch?"

"Kenzie! I got good news– wait why are you panting like that?" Hayden scoffs into the phone. "And don't give me that lame ass excuse that you were running because we both know your bitch ass can't exercise for shit."

Her mouth falls open, feeling truly offended. "First of all, mind your business! I swear, you're always trying to roast." She huffs, clutching the phone tight in her hand. "Now, what's the stitch?"

"And why did you skip class today?" He continues suspiciously. "Johnny didn't come over like usual... wait a minute." He pauses, gasping over the phone in realization. "biTCH DID YA'LL–"

"Hayden!" She grunts in embarrassment. "Would you tell me what the damn stitch is?"

"Y'all horny asses were up in there fucking? I'M DEAADDD AKAKSMKWMNCKD." He shrieks into laughter.

"Princess," Johnny whines, tugging at her arm impatiently.

"Is that my manz Johnny? Tell him to thank Big Daddy Hay later." He smirks to himself. "I can't believe my plan actually worked. Ugh, my mind! It amazes me sometimes."

"You know what? I'm hanging up–"

"Wait! All jokes aside, I have really good news." Hayden says in excitement. "I talked with Carson and he might be able to help us."

Mackenzie sits up, surprised by the current news. "Really? Do you think he can loan that much?"

Hayden shrugs, although she couldn't see. "Probably not that much because he's a greedy bitch, but I'm sure he'll give us a fair amount. Also, one of Dylan's friends might be able to help too."

"Dylan has friends?" She furrows her eyebrows.

"Yeah, this one dude named Pimptastic." He glances at Dylan over his shoulder. "I often let her visit him, the guy is filthy rich."

"Okay, that's cool. How do you plan on convincing him?"

"Trust me, he'll loan us some money if he finds out his 'precious little dawg'  life's at risk." He mocks, rolling his eyes.

She snickers. "You sound jealous."

"Duh! The man is trying to replace me as a father." He huffs. "Anyways, I gotta go. The girls and I are about to play Fortnite. I'll take you later."

"Alright, bye." She hangs up the phone, placing it on her nightstand.

Before she could even react, Johnny yanks her legs down towards him, causing her to yelp at his strength.

"Finally." He growls, spreading her legs before lowering his head between her thighs.







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