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Time went by, me and Daphne worked really good together, we actually managed to solve a big math problem. When Mrs. Gladstone saw how good we worked together she put us together in English, Biology and Art.

"Hey Daph, you want to come to my birthday party?" I said nervously.

"Sure, when?" She looked down, also nervously.

"Ehm, ma and I are going to decide today, we were planning on texting everyone..." I looked down.

"What's your number?" She said with a smile as she took out her phone.

I smile and gave her my number. I think this is the happiest I've felt in a long ass time.


"No, we would never wanna hang out with a loser like you." She exclaimed.

"Buut, we have a pool?" I tried.

"Okay, we'll come, but only if there is a little alcohol!" The two girls ran down the corridors to get to their next class.

Those bitches. Whatever, they were coming to my party, and then everyone would follow. Ma never had alcohol in the house, but she had alcohol-free beer that I could pretend was alcohol.


"Dear, how many people is coming to this party? I need to know so I can make hamburgers, and halloumi burgers for the vegetarians." She asked happily.

"Let's see..." I scrolled on my phone. "Twentyfour." I answered.

"Okay, how many wanted the halloumi one?" She asked again.

"Wait, let me text them." I said sending away a "Hello! Who wants halloumi burgers, and who wants regular ones?" text to the group chat. About thirteen said halloumi. "Thirteen halloumi and eleven regular!" I yelled down to ma in the kitchen. "But make a lot of extras because they could bring friends!"

"Okay, sweetheart!" She yelled back up.


"WOHOO LET'S FUCKING PARTYY!!" Someone yelled at the front of a group with people.

At the back of the crowd Brian and Daphne stood. I pushed my way to the back until I stood in front of them.

"Hi Gray, me and Daphne, was that her name? Whatever, and you guys need to be a couple, seriously!" He whispered to me. Daphne heard him and chuckled.

"That would be awsome!" She joked.

"Yeeaaahhh." I tried.

"Well why don't you guys join the party?"


There were dancing teens and other people I didn't know on the floor. Some where in the pool, and some stood at the bar, or stood in a corner talking to their friends. I stood in the bar, handing out drinks and food. Ma was at her friends house, she doesn't really like parties.

"You know, we can ask someone else to take over the bar so we can party a little bit." Brian said sarcastically.

"That would be a good change." Daphne laughed.

"Suuuree." I said with a smile. "Anyone that could take over the bar?!" I yelled over the speakers.

"We can!" A couple of guys I hadn't invited came across the room.

"Who are you?" I asked suspiciously.

"We're Pete's mates, you know?" They explained.

"Okay, just hand out drinks and food, that should be simple enough." I said, walking away to the pool.

Okay, let me tell you something. My choice of clothes is not the best. I always wear a hoodie and leggings to shield myself from the world. Partly, I do it because I'm insecure of my body. So it took awhile for me to put on my swimsuit, because I really didn't want to. But I needed to.

Everybody looked at me when I entered the pool area. I always made my swim tests when everybody else left. I had the 'perfect body' that everyone dreamed of, but not me. Because my body was covered with nasty scars. Scars that I thought would heal. Scars that just wouldn't stop appearing. Scars that I created.

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