Chapter 9

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"That's what I said, isn't it, pine cone brain!" I grunted, wincing now as I began to feel sore. "Put me down!"

"Who fucking attacked you and why the hell would you get mad at me for it?!" He snarled, shoving me harder against the wall.

My head smacked against the brick and I froze. These people wouldn't stop him. They couldn't stop him. River was an alpha which meant he had upmost authority. He could do whatever he wanted, just like that rogue.

"Put me down!" I demanded, my voice coming out much shakier than I'd intended it to.

I couldn't help it.

I didn't want to scared at all, but for some reason I was. I tried to pull my arms in so I could push him off, but I couldn't move. I grunted and struggled underneath him. He didn't budge.

"Get off!" I squeaked, now beginning to panic.

"Answer my fucking question!" He growled at me. "You have no right to hit an alpha, so I suggest you answer before I bring this to your father!"

"You sent him! River! Put me down! I mean it!" I blurted out before lowering my voice to a whisper. "You're scaring me."

"Trust me, babydoll, this isn't even close to scary." He said lowly before gently setting me back on the ground, but standing directly in front of me, so that I couldn't get away. "Why would I send a rogue after my mate?!"

"Because of earlier! No rogue just attacks an alpha wolf! Plus, my fathers scent is all over me there's no way it was random!" I growled, shoving him as hard as I could. "I don't give a flying fuck if you're an alpha, River! You're still the same stupid little boy that used to throw pine cones at me! You're still River Wilde, so don't let it get to your head! I'm telling my father about what you've done!"

The boys ooh'd and laughed at what I'd said, but River didn't move. He smiled. He actually fucking smiled at me! It wasn't a happy smile either, it was slightly terrifying actually.

I snarled and shoved him again, but he didn't move in the slightest.

"I didn't send any rogue after you, babydoll." He chuckled. "But trust me, whoever did is a deadman."

"Oh, give it a rest, tough guy!" I rolled my eyes and barely managed to squeeze by him.

I slammed the door behind me and marched right into the living room where I knew my father would be hosting multiple guests.

They'd had people over to celebrate my coming of age. I hadn't realized it until now. I internally thanked myself for wearing a dress today. I had to weave through people and apologize way more than I would have liked to before I reached him.

He halted his conversation immediately upon making eye contact with me.

"Aurora?" He set his drink down and turned to me confused. "What's wrong, my sweet?"

"I was attacked by a rogue after cheer today." I stated.

"Excuse me?" His eyebrows furrowed as his face reddened and he seemed to puff his chest out. "Are you alright? Did they hurt you?"

"Well they almost got far enough before Samantha showed up." I told him, now feeling like a little girl as he pulled me into his arms and the tears threatened to fall. "It was really scary and I got really mad."

"Well of course. I don't know who would have set this up..." He trailed off in thought before looking down at me. "Are you hurt anywhere? Did you see his face?"

"I'm fine. I didn't see his face he had me pinned against the wall and I was too panicked to get his scent." I told him, allowing him to usher us even further from the crowd than he already had. "It was River, Daddy. I just know it was... after earlier and everything."

"Aurora, it is time to stop with that." He looked at me sternly. "Go with your friends. I will have the matter taken care of before the end of tomorrow night, my sweet. Don't worry. Just enjoy your night."

"Fine." I pouted and walked off to find Sam.

I weaved through the people again to get to the porch. That was where the kids my age always were at these things. Inside was too crowded with parents and their younger children, but outside was much better. We weren't being watched all the time and could get away with much more than we could if we tried to sit indoors.

Sam was flirting quite hard with a boy when I walked out, so I chose to just let it go and leave her alone. She was probably going to pester me all night about the attack and how terrified I must have been, so I figured I'd save myself from that and get a beer. It was usually best to get in a drink or two before I decided how I actually wanted to spend my night.

There weren't many options, but I took a fruitier looking one and sipped on it for a few minutes. A couple boys were throwing around some freshman who looked as if this were literally the best night of his life and some of the girls were trying to perform a dizzy line dance. Others were just talking and laughing comfortably on the porch.

"Babydoll." The all too familiar voice whispered in my ear.

"Fuck off, Wilde." I grunted.

"Watch it. I'll have you on the wall, just this time it won't hurt." He was drunk.

"Shut up and go find a slut, moron. I'm not in the mood." I snapped at him and began to walk away.

"I'm not drunk." He said to me defensively.

I stared at him. He was an absolute idiot. He'd obviously spilt hit beer a few times on himself and he was leaning against the support beam. He was either drunk or just trying to piss me off.

"That's exactly what a drunk person would say." I deadpanned and took a sip of my drink.

Had I actually even accused him of being drunk out loud?!

He grabbed my drink from my hand with wicked fast reflexes and dumped the contents of the van onto the ground. I glared at him. What was the point of that? I mean, he could have just taken it. That was a waste of a perfectly good beer.

"I'm not drunk. I also won't be allowing you to get drunk." He looked at me. "I didn't send that rogue, babydoll."

"Bullshit, Wilde. The whole school probably knows you did as some sick joke or something." I crossed my arms as it became cooler outside.

"I already told you I didn't send a fucking rogue after you. You seriously think I'd risk any of that just to get back at you?" He looked at me as though I were insane. "You're a helpless little girl, for the goddess's sake! I literally threatened the entire school when you stared the ninth grade. You're mine, babydoll. I don't let anyone else touch what's mine."

"Shut up, Wilde. I am not helpless." I snapped at him. "And, I know it was you."

"It wasn't me." He leaned very close so that I could feel him breathing on my ear. "Like I promised you earlier: whoever did, is a deadman."

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