What's Wrong, Connor?

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(Ashley's POV)

I have never owned an android. Ever. I have never wanted one either.

I have no idea what is considered "normal" for an android.

So imagine the heart attack I have as I open my eyes and there's an android standing next to my bed, staring at me.

Needless to say, I screamed like a little girl.

"My apologies Ashley. I should have announced my presence." Connor says.

I take a minute to regain my composure.

"Never... do that... again." I say, getting myself off my bed.

"It is currently 7:34 AM. I figured you wanted an early start." Connor says.

"What? Why would I want an early start?" I ask, grabbing my robe from my closet.

"You could get a head start on job hunting. I could help. What are your qualifications?" Connor replies.

"Uh I have a lot of qualifications. I'm not discussing them with you. Can you like... get out? I need to change." I tell him, gesturing to the door.

"What are you changing?" He asks.

"My clothes dumbass now go!" I say, shooing him out of my room and closing the door.

Fucks sake. I may not have had an android before but this one has to be the strangest one I've met. He was way less weird when he was working for the police department. I wonder what happened.

Hours later, I've eaten and changed. The entire time Connor was hovering near me. I don't know what's up with him. He's quiet. Not like he used to be. He used to be so much more... human. What did CyberLife do to him?

"Come. Let's go get you new clothes. I'm tired of seeing that uniform." I start heading to the door. Connor stops me by grabbing my arm.

"I am... your companion." He says. He looks troubled. I wonder if the old Connor is still in there. CyberLife can upgrade his program all they want, but empathy isn't a program.

"You okay? You look like you've seen a ghost." I tell him.

"I'm... fine of course." He replies, shaking his head. I decide to drop it.

"Let's go then." I open the door and gesture for him to go out first.

Once we get to the mall I take his arm and lead him along with me. I feel like he'll wander off. I bring him into a clothes store and get him clothes that make him look a lot more... normal. He's still awkward. Clothes won't change that.

"Woah when did YOU get an android, Ash?" Comes a voice behind me.

I whirl around to hug the source of the voice. I haven't seen them in years.

"M! You're back in town! How have you been?!" I ask.

"I've been okay. Can't say it's good to be back. Everyone's on edge. Thousands of android have been destroyed. Do you still work for CyberLife?" They ask.

"Nah. They caught me sabotaging them. Finally got fired." I tell them.

"So... You got an android? As like, revenge, or...?" They ask, eyeing Connor.

"No... uh... Well. This is Connor. He ratted me out to CyberLife. So... they gave him to me as a 'gift' to basically say 'fuck you.'" I reply, shrugging.

"Wow. That's... pretty fucked up to be honest. How's that going?" They ask.

"He's... not really meant as a household android... and I never wanted one. So it's a bit weird but I can get used to it." I look over at Connor who is observing us both.

"He's a cute android. At least he's quiet. Hey I have some things to do. I'll be in town for a while. Text me." We hug and they leave, heading into the tech store.

I look at Connor. He seems lost in thought. Almost... peaceful. I walk over to him and link arms with him.

"I've known M since I was a kid. They've always been there for me. They're a bigshot artist now so they travel a lot more." I tell him.

"They seem nice." He replies.

Once we are home I goes to read almost immediately upon entering. Fine by me. At least he isn't hovering any more.

My phone rings. I walk over to the kitchen counter to look at the number.

No... After all these years... No. I'm not answering to you. You disowned me for believing androids were alive. Then you turn around and decide the same thing. It's too late.

I'm saved by the bell. The doorbell.

Connor comes down the stairs and heads for the door. I grab his arm and stop him in his tracks.

"My house, I get the door. Got it?" I tell him. He nods.

I open the door to see a very familiar face.

"Markus! Thank God! I have something to show you." I tell him.

"I... think I see it..." He says, looking over my shoulder.

I look back at Connor. He looks... sad? I thought Connor wasn't deviant.

There's something I'm missing.

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