New Models

40 6 1

(Connor's Analysis)

We arrive at CyberLife Tower and walk in the front doors. Kamski is waiting for us inside. He walks over to me and looks closely at my face.

"Function?" He asks.

"Deviant, sir" I smile. He looks at Ashley, impressed.

"How'd you manage that?" He asks her.

"Connor uploaded his memories to my computer before he shut down. I reuploaded them to him. All fixed." Ashley replies, taking my hand in hers.

"Well, well. Good thinking. Now, I wanna show you our newest android model. Follow me." He says. Ashley pulls me along, smiling. We take the elevator down to manufacturing once again. When the doors open Kamski makes a beeline to one station. We follow close behind.

At the station are two android models, brand new. Male and female. The female was clearly modeled after Ashley, while the male is brand new. The male has light brown hair like mine; a round, friendly face; and bright green eyes.

"They're incredible..." Ashley says. She's looking them over, seeming very impressed.

"I figured one should have your looks, you did so much work for this project." Kamski says. Ashley steps up to the female android and begins the test.

"Model and serial number?" She says.

"Model FM100. Serial number: 453 655 218" The android says. She smiles at all of us. It looks just like Ashley's smile. Warm.

Ashley repeats the test with the male android. I feel a stab of... jealousy. But it passes. I know Ashley loves me. She made sure I knew before she went to sleep. She promised we'd always have each other. I trust her.

After everything is taken care of down here we all head up to the top floor office. Kamski takes his seat and Ashley takes hers. Chloe serves Kamski coffee and smiles at him. He ignores her. Kamski does not have the same affection towards androids that Ashley has. He did say he's only doing this for her... Maybe he never really will change.

"So, everything's back to normal now?" He says. Ashley nods.

"I am grateful for your help, Mr. Kamski" I say.

"Just don't break her heart. Or I'll rip yours out." He says, glaring at me.

"I would find that... unpleasant. I have no intention of ever making her cry again." I respond.

"I'm taking him somewhere this weekend. It's a surprise though." Ashley says.

"How can it be a surprise when you don't know how to drive?" I ask. She throws a pen at me. I catch it easily and hand it back to her.

"You're an ass." She says. I smile at her, knowing she means well.

"When's the last time you went on vacation?" Kamski asks.

"I don't know... Never I guess?" She replies.

"You need one. You have been through so much shit in the last month. You really need to get out for a while." He says.

"You're not wrong." Ashley says. She leans back in her chair and almost falls back. She scrambles to catch herself and sits up straight again. She's very clumsy for someone who just repaired me.

"You take the next two weeks off." He says. Ashley leans forward.

"What are you playing at? Why do you want me gone so badly?" She asks, narrowing her eyes.

"So you don't have a mental break down. What am I going to do? Take over the world while you're gone?" He says.

"...Fine. I will go on vacation. What do you think of that, Connor?" Ashley asks.

"I have never been on vacation. I have never even left detroit. I have no preference, as long as you are happy." I respond.

"ROAD TRIP TO NEW YORK CITY!" She yells! She practically jumps out of her seat and throws her arms around me. "THIS WILL BE SO MUCH FUN!"

I hug her back and smile at Kamski. He smiles back, shaking his head.

"Thank you dad! I'll send pictures!" She says. She drags me out of the room and into the elevator. She kisses me as the doors close.

I already like this 'vacation.'

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