Chapter 3

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I put my hand on the handle of the door and walked into the gym.
Kirumi: Looks like all seventeen of us are here.
Kiibo: ​Everyone... putting your guard down is prohibited! There might be some kind of hidden danger around here.
Kokichi: Don't talk... about danger... I'm scared...
Angie: ​There's no need to worry. Atua is watching over us.
Kokichi: ​Oh, I see! Everything's fine, then!
Miu: ​Do you have a flower field in your brain or something?! I'm gonna spray that flower field with pesticides!
As much as i wanted to defend Kokichi, I stayed silent instead and did nothing but wait for the Exisals and Monokuma to come.
Kaito: ​Hey, don't worry! Leave it all to us!The next time those teddy bears show up, i'm gonna break the shit out of them!
Gonta: ​ What's that?
Ryoma: ​What's what?
Gonta: ​Don't you hear something?
Tsumugi: ​I do hear something! It sounds like the engine of a robot.

As soon as the exisals made their entrance, everyone started panicking and screaming.

Gonta: ​Everyone, get behind Gonta!
Tenko: ​What are these monsters?!
Kokichi: ​Woah! So cool!
Blue exisal: ​These are the Ultimate Killing Machines; Exisals​!
Yellow exisal: ...​We've changed the settings a little.
Miu: Eeeee! I don't care! Go off and kill some ugly bitches!
Kokichi: In that case, Himiko, run away fast! You're a target!
Himiko: Why are you worrying about me all of a sudden?
"Just ignore him, Himiko." I said, rolling my eyes.
Maki: Hey, didn't someone say they were going to "break the shit out of these teddy bears"?
Kaito: ​Y-You gotta be kidding me! I didn't know they had shit like this!
Rantaro: Everyone, wait a bit... you don't have to be so panicked. If they were going to kill us, they would've done it a long time ago.

While saying that, Rantaro went up to the Exisals without any hesitation.

Rantaro: ​So, what do you want to do with us? You're imposing the threat of violence on us? You're going to say if we don't do what you want, you'll hurt us? Well... what are those demands?
Yellow exisal: ​You have quite the sharp intuition, my boy!
Blue exisal: ​Well then, I'LL say it! What we want to impose upon you all is REALLY EXCITING! HAHAHAHA! I'm gonna say it! You ready?! This is-
Green exisal: ​a M u t u a l k i l l i n g g a m e.
Blue exisal: ​MONODAM! You stole my fuckin' line!
Kirumi: ​If I heard correctly, he said-
Green exisal: a M u t u a l k i l l i n g g a m e.
Blue exisal: ​JEEEZ! I'm really fuckin' pissed! I'm gonna break your Exisal, Monodam!

The monokubs started fighting and that is when he finally decided to show up.

???: My beloved children... stop this unsightly fighting!

All of the Monokubs hopped out of their Exisals as Monokuma's voice reverbrated through the gymnasium.

Monosuke: Is that you pops?
Monotaro: Father!
Monophanie: Where?! Where's our lovely daddy?!??

The lights suddenly turned off...

Monokuma: I am the god of this world... The headmaster of the Gifted Inmates Academy... Monokuma!!
Monotaro: Yay! Daddy!
Monokid: HELL YEAH! Daddy's descended upon us!
Monophanie: I always knew Daddy was cool...
Monokuma: ​My beautiful children... you're as lovely as ever. ​Even though you keep running your mouths with no sense of tact... you're still my beloved children.
Monosuke: Pops! Are you mad?!
Monokuma: Don't be ridiculous! Of course i'm not mad at my beautiful children!
Monokid: Uh oh! Dad's mad at us!
Monophanie: But even our angry daddy is cool...
Monokuma: I'm saying i'm not mad!
Monotaro: Aah! Dad became "Super Ultimate God Monokuma"​!
Monophanie: W-woah! Is this daddy's final form?!
Monokid: F-FOOL! Dad's so fuckin' tough, he doesn't even NEED forms!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2018 ⏰

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