Chapter 22

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I smiled in the mirror to myself, as I sat at my dresser, curling my hair.
I didn't really have any plans for today, but I was going to make some. Maybe hang out with Grant.
I had the day to myself, because Steven was going to the studio with the guys to write.

I felt hands slink around my waist, and Steven kissed my neck softly, sending shivers up my spine.
He always did that to me.
I turned in my seat so I was facing him, and kissed him deeply.
He pulled back, smirking. "Wow, that makes me wanna stay with you."
I giggled, shaking my head. "No no, do what you have to do. They guys are waiting for you. It's already 11:30, you're meeting them AT 11:30! Hurry up, go!" I said.
Steven laughed, grasping my face in his hands, and kissing me again.
He rested his forehead against mine.
"See you later?"
"Maybe." I responded playfully.
Steven chuckled. "I love you, Lana."
"I know, I know, to the moon and back. I love you too." I giggled, mimicking him.
He kissed my forehead once more before finally exiting the apartment.

I finished curling my hair, and had finally decided to go out with Grant. I haven't seen him in awhile, and he was my best friend.
I picked out an outfit rather quickly, because it's Grant, and he doesn't care what I look like.
I grabbed my purse, and made my way out of the apartment, and stepped the foot across to his apartment.
I knocked on the door, and a second later it opened.
Grant smirked.
"Why if it isn't my long lost best friend, I haven't heard from you in a while."
I let out a short laugh, and crossed my arms. "I'm sorry. But I'm about to make it up to you. Do you wanna go get coffee or something to eat?"
Grant smiled at me for a second, thinking. "Okay, fine. I missed you so I'll take what I can get."
I rolled my eyes playfully. "Oh please. Just come on."
A few minutes later, we were walking out of our apartment complex and to my car.
We both got in, and I started off.
"So, Lana, what's been going on in your wonderful life?" Grant asked as we sat down at a table with our coffees.
"It's not that wonderful. But since you're asking, Steven and I are engaged."
Grant's mouth dropped. "No fucking way. I didn't see that coming. I mean, I know at the club you guys were pretty chummy, but I didn't know it was that serious. Maybe if you would have called me..."
I let out a sigh. "I'm sorry, okay? It's been a while, I know. But I'm telling you now. Steven really treats me like I'm his whole world. He's even paying to have my grandparents from England flown in for the wedding. How bloody perfect is that?! I just can't wait to marry him."
Grant took a sip of his coffee, looking at me.
I laughed. "Of course you're invited, Grant. You're my best friend."
He smiled. "Okay, I forgive you for being a shitty friend."
I rolled my eyes playfully, taking a sip of my coffee.
"So what about that girl, what was her name? Maggy?"
Grant laughed. "Marci. We're not together anymore, because she cheated on me."
I laughed. "To be honest, I'm not surprised. She was a little twat...she tried to get with Steven. I was about to break her scrawny little legs; and YOU, were completely oblivious!!"
Grant smirked. "Okay, maybe I should have been more alert. But maybe it was a sign, I can find someone better."
I smiled genuinely. "You can. I know it."
I looked down at my phone. We had been sitting here for an hour. Time sure went fast.
"Hey, this has been amazing. But I promised Steven that I would see him. I'm gonna surprise him up at the studio. It was great to see you, Grant. It truly was."
We stood up, and he pulled me into a hug.
"I'm glad I got my best friend back." He whispered.
I smiled. "You never lost me. I promise, I'll be in touch, with details about the wedding and everything. But let me drop you off."
Grant chuckled. "No need. It's a beautiful day. I'll, you have your precious man-candy to get to."
I stuck out my tongue playfully.
"See you soon, you crazy freak."
Grant stuck out his tongue back. "Oh, you will, my dear Lana."
I waved as I got in my car.
I arrived at the studio fifteen minutes later. I found a place to park pretty quickly.
I got out of my car, closing the car door behind me.
I walked up to the building, and the front door jingled a bit as I entered.
I walked up to the counter, and spoke to the lady sitting behind the desk.
"What room is Aerosmith in?" I asked her kindly.
"Right down this hall, second door on the right." She replied, pointing in the direction of the room.
"Thank you." I replied.
I started to walk down the hall, smiling to myself, excited to surprise Steven. He would be so happy.
A minute later, I reached the studio room they were in. I heard voices, so I gripped the knob, and opened the door.
My mouth dropped open.
"Steven..?" I spoke, tears starting to fill my eyes.
Steven looked out at me, over the girl that was sitting in his lap, who had just been kissing him a second ago. When the girl turned her head, I became even more devastated.
Erin Brady.
"Lana, it's not what you think. I swear!!" Steven pushed Erin off and stood up, stepping towards me. He tried to grab my hands, but I pulled away.
"I believed you when you said this fucking wench meant nothing. You lied to me. About everything. After everything.."
"Lana, I--"
He wasnt able to continue because my hand had come in contact with his cheek.
With tears in my eyes, I looked at him."Goodbye, Steven."
With that, I walked out of the studio, tears blurring my vision.
I was devastated and heartbroken, and so angry I couldn't see straight. I got in my car, and just sobbed. How could he do this to me? He told me he loved me to the moon and back. He promised me that I was the only one for him. He lied.
I started the car, just as I saw Steven running out of the building, calling my name.
I drove off shakily, ignoring his pleas.
A/N aww sad face. :( don't worry! It's not over. I think I might update tomorrow too. I'm not sure yet. But this week, soon.

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