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The Insanity side, is what Rikki looks like when she tries to kill lemons

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The Insanity side, is what Rikki looks like when she tries to kill lemons.

Rikki: *in her room crying*

Manic: *outside her door* *knock* Rikki? You okay?

Rikki: *sniff* *wipes tears* y-yeah, come in Manic.

Manic: *comes in* aww, hey, Rikki, don't cry, its okay. *hugs*

Rikki: yeah... I'm fine. See ya later Manic. *stands up and flys out of the window to go talk to Shadow about one of the chaos emeralds that went missing*

Rikki: *flys over the city and sees Lemons and Shadow sitting next to each other on a bench next to the Central Square Fountain kissing* *gasp* *gets teary eyed*

Lemons: *stops kissing* I love you Shadz.

Shadow: I Love you too Lems. *kiss*

Rikki: *growls* *flys away to Sonic.exe's house*

Sonic.exe: *when Rikki's at his house* hey, Rikki, don't cry, it's gonna be fine... *huggs* *strokes her quills*

Slenderman: *shows up* *muffled voice* Rikki, don't worry, its going to b alright. Just don't get too upset... or something could happen... if Shadow the hedgehog left you for that yellow person, then he isn't good enough for you. Its going to be fine. You already have friends and a lover that love you. Me, Sonic.exe, Sonic, Manic, Amy, Moonlight, those are people who love you Rikki. Its going to be fine.

Rikki: *eyes turn red* yeah. Your right. Shadow dosen't care about me, why should I care? Oh wait, I DON'T!!

Slenderman: thats the Rikki the hedgehog I'm best friends with.

Sonic.exe: yeah Rik, he's right. Ya have me, and him, and all of your other friends! Why care about Shadow?

Amy: *shows up* yeah Rikki, it'll be fine.

Sonic: *apers from noware* yah you'll be fine wait what are we talkin about



Rikki: *in her room glaring at a picture of Shadow that she broke* *eyes turn red* *growls* *flys into air*

Hmm... why do I feel like... hurting someone? *shakes the thought off* *keeps flying*

Voice inside Rikki's head: oh come on Rikki, you know you want to do it, DO IT!!

Rikki: no...

Slenderman: *flys up* Rikki, whats the matter? You seem... different... *confused face* *notices her eyes* *they are red with green rings* Rikki, what happened to your eyes?



Rikki: WHAT!?

Slenderman: you can tell by your eyes... Rikki, I think you got too upset and started to go mentaly insane...

Rikki: *insanly smiles* *eye twitches* well then, no wonder I really want to kill Lemons.....

Slenderman: Rikki no! You can't hurt anyone!! Please don't!!

Rikki: *flys away to go find lemons* *finds Lemons*

Lemons: oh hey Rikk-

Rikki: *grabs her neck* *insanley laughs* *raises a kitchen knife to Lemons's neck*

Lemons: *crying* Rikki, please...! *try's to break free but Rikki is to strong*

Shadow: *tries to run toward her*

Rikki: *uses Psytokinisis to freeze him in his position* *gets ready to kill Lemons*

Lemons: *crys* *softly screams*

Rikki: ****FLASHBACK OF ALL THE GOOD TIMES LEMONS AND RIKKI HAD TOGETHER**** *gasp* *lowers knife* *lets go of lemons* *cries* *whispers* I'm so sorry...! *flys away*

Lemons: *rubs neck* Rikki *gasp* your eyes you your dirfreant *gasps again* y-your a creepypasta *runs two shadow* shadow are you ok

Shadow: yah I'm fine *slightly smiles*

Lemons: *unfrezzes him* are ya sure your ok

Shadow: it's ok babe I'm fine whats wrong with Rikki

Lemons: *tear trickles down cheek* sh-she's a creepypasta *looks at shadow* I-I gotta help her *trys to run to her*

Shadow: LEMONS NO!!!! *grabs wrist*

Lemons: shadow I gotta do somthing to help'er

Shadow: she's a creepypasta you can't do anything

Lemons: I- I gotta try

Shadow: *sighs* look I know ya wanna help'er but ya can't do anything

Lemons: I gotta try

Shdaow: no she'll kill you in an instint *pls her into a hug and brings her to the ground*

Lemons: *hugs cries wile talking* w-who would d-do th-this to her *cries and hugs*

Shadow: it's ok it's alright I'm here

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