Mr. Wild

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•Y/N: Your Name
•E/C: Eye Color

Author's POV:

————————————————Author's POV:_______________________________

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"You again?" Cameron mutters under his breath while taking a small step away from the desk, where the grinning man sits. Amused by his reaction, the doppelgänger smiles even wider while throwing his arms out to the sides in a welcoming gesture, though, the action seemed to give the opposite effect, sending a chill down Normal's back.

"Why, yes, it is I, your fun side!" The figure, who he assumes is named Mr. Wild, laughs at his own, eccentric mannerisms, which only unsettles him further. "But, let's skip the small talk, 'kay, Normal? I'll get straight to it." Wild walked with a hunch as he stood from his seat and circled Cameron before grabbing his shoulders from behind. The suddenness caused the man to jump, and his fear only heightened when that cheery tone changed to something more threatening as he whispers in his ear.

"You want to tell me why you didn't kiss the girl of our dreams, hot shot?" Normal chokes on his words, his lips spitting out incoherent stutters, which gains an annoyed huff from Mr. Wild as he releases the anxious man. "You know, I have been watching very closely, and I'll be straight with you, Normal, something is amiss, and I believe the cause is that wretched bitch across the street. Y/N seemed to be acting quite strange when she dropped by, don't you agree? It's almost like that woman's been putting ideas into her head to make cautious around us, and that just isn't right, now, is it?" At last, Cameron finds his voice.

"P- Please don't use such vulgar language," he manages to squeak out while turning around to face the other man.

"I'll say whatever I damn well please! Now, focus on the real issue!" He snaps, bursting through Normal's personal bubble, causing him to flinch back. Wild quells his fury by giving a frustrated sigh and running his pale fingers through his tangled, black locks before gesturing to the darkness. Cameron follows his finger to be met with the image of his darling neighbor projected in the endless abyss. Painting her plump lips is a delicate smile that never failed to melt his heart into a puddle of mushy goo. His feet bring him to the edge of the platform, his stormy grey eyes enchanted by her beauty. Oh, what he wouldn't give to have that smile directed at him every moment of every day, to hear that melodious voice of hers and that cute laugh. His hands itched to reach out and grab her, but he subconsciously knew that if he took one step further, he'd plunge into the seemingly endless pit. The mere sight of her brought him the greatest happiness that many would spend a lifetime trying to pursue.

"Y/N," he whispers in a voice etched with longing and a blush burning bright on his cheeks. From the corner of his eye, he watched as Wild came to his side, but mainly, his attention stuck to the image presented before him.

Mr. NormalWhere stories live. Discover now