Private Lessons

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•Y/N: Your Name
•E/C: Eye Color

Author's POV:

—————————————————Author's POV:__________________________________

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Well, if this wasn't a pleasant surprise! Of all the faces Y/N had seen in her class, she certainly didn't expect to find Mr. Cameron Normal standing at the back of the room with an eager smile. How could she not smile back with delight, unknowingly sending the man's heart aflutter? Unfortunately, she did not have the time to greet him properly before the start of the lesson on beginner's tango.

"I see we have a few new faces today. That's great! Don't worry about trying to catch up with the rest of the class. We all learn at our own pace, so you have nothing to worry about. Everyone around you is a beginner." Y/N was certain to look Cameron's way when she said this, remembering what he had told her about struggling to dance when she revealed her career to him. She immediately saw a hint of relief cross his features, which caused her to suppress a giggle. "Would anyone like to volunteer to show our newcomers the steps?"

As expected, the hand that went up was her star pupil, Charlie. He was a fast learner and very light on his feet, so she didn't hesitate to pick him. Cameron caught himself before he could bite down onto his bottom lip as the man positioned his hands onto the woman's body. It's part of the lesson, he told himself to keep his sanity. Nothing was meant by the touch.

"I'll explain the steps first before showing you how they should play out. Ladies, try not to be too shy with your partners. I know this type of dance can be a bit intimate at times, and I assume many of you are strangers who have never met before, same goes for you gentlemen too. I have seen many stepping over their feet because of distractions," she says lightheartedly, causing Cameron to blush. He felt called out for his staring, but was sure she wasn't directing the comment towards him.

"I welcome you all to get acquainted with one another after the class so that you can be more comfortable. Now, first thing to keep in mind is your posture." Y/N rolls her shoulders back and straightens herself out, her partner doing the same. "You shouldn't be slouched but try not to be too stiff either. It will show in your performance. Next, Charlie here is going to show you how to lead. Pay close attention to his feet."

Everyone's eyes drifted to the man as he went forward with his left foot then right then left again. Y/N moves backwards in response, avoiding his feet with ease before following him to his right and putting their feet close together. "Three steps forward starting with your left foot, move to the side, feet together. Very simple first steps, I promise. As you get into the rhythm, you can experiment by going faster." The pair pick up the pace with their movements gradually, gliding across the dance floor as if they were both floating above the ground. Normal was mesmerized and intrigued.

'It does sound simple,' he thinks to himself with relief. Maybe he wouldn't make such a fool of himself after all? Well, he hopes not, at least.

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