Mikey, who is she?

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~*Jesse's POV*~

Today, the boys and I are in the studio with our producing team putting some finishing touches on a song we started working on a couple of days ago.

Jeremy and Zach are in the back room with one of the producers, putting their guitar parts together with Mikey's base, while Brandon is asleep on the sofa and I'm spinning around on the wheely chair, bored out of my mind and trying to think of something to do to amuse myself.

Brandon starts groaning and wriggling in his sleep, obviously dreaming. I contemplate throwing something at him for a laugh, but then think better of it. I stop spinning and stand up with a sigh, deciding on going for a walk around the building.

I can't remember when or who from, but I heard there's a new artist from England recording here today, so maybe I'll introduce myself some time today if I happen to bump into them.

I head over to the coffee machine in the corner of reception. I buy a cappuccino and sit in reception in one of the large, comfy armchairs.

I notice the new receptionist checking me out over the top of the computer. I smirk to myself and ignore her while drinking my coffee, knowing she can't take her eyes off me.


Even after finishing my coffee, I stay sitting there. I feel her eyes burning into my skin. I try to hold back my laughter. Surely she knows she's punching way too far above her weight. I probably won't even take time getting to know her. Actually, maybe I should. Make her think I'm interested in her. No; that would be cruel. But funny...

And I need a laugh.

I stand and head over to the receptionist. I pull out a small cocktail stick from my pocket and start chewing on it. Her eyes shoot back to the computer screen when she notices me walking over.

I lean on the desk and smile. She looks up at me and smiles back.

" Hello," She beams. " How may I help you?" Laying on her thick Boston accent.

" I don't think I've ever seen you round here before." I give her my signature half smile, seductively chewing on the thin piece of wood.

" I'm new. It's my first day." She informs me.

" It's lovely to meet you. I'm Jesse." I stick my hand out over the desk.

Her shakey hand comes up with long manicured nails, and shakes my hand. " Veronica."

And I can tell just from her high pitched voice, manicured nails and posh name that she is from an upper class family.

" That's a beautiful name." I wink.

I hear the chime of the door opening and two people talking behind me, but I'm having too much fun to bother finding out who it is.

She gives a nervous giggle, blushes and looks down.

I'm going to have fun with this one...

~*Addison's POV*~

It's my first day recording in the studio today. I flew over to California from London with my manager, Will, a week ago. I haven't been in the music industry very long but most people seem to like me at home. I just need to promote myself in America now.

It's not like I've never worked in a studio before. After a got signed in England, I spent every waking moment in the studio.

I arrive at the studio at precisely 10.28 and meet Will outside. We go in together and we stand in reception as Will explains everything that is going to happen today.

She's Crazy - Jesse Rutherford fanficWhere stories live. Discover now