Chapter Sixteen

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"You sit there in your heartache waiting on some beautiful boy to save you from your old ways."


"I'm going to miss you Annabelle," Holding my older sister tightly, I'm almost in tears. I've never been good at saying goodbye, and even though half the time Annabelle was a pain in the ass, she was my sister and I loved her.

"Shut up, Chloe." She laughs, hugging me back. Obviously she was more excited to move into her giant goregous ampartment in New York City than say good bye to her family. "I'll come and visit you Saturday,"

"You better," I huffed, letting go of her. She stepped back and did a final wave to the whole family before climbing into her brand new, sleek, red car. When she drove away, the tears dancing in my eyes fell. Calvin snorted at the sight of me while Leo gave me a smile.

"Always so emotional, Chloe." He chuckled, tossing his arm over my shoulder. "She lives an hour away. We can always go and visit her." I nod and wipe my tears away, giving my brother a smile. He was right-- I was emotional. Especially when people moved.

While I'm walking towards my house, I spot something in the corner of my eye. Rocco's walking towards his front door, shirtless. His body is drenched in sweat and his hair his slicked down to his forehead from it. I'm practically drooling at the sight of his muscular body.

He sees me, and his eyes narrow. All of a sudden he's marching towards me with a determined look on his face. Before I can even turn and run, he's caught my wrist, and gently pulls me toward him. My eyes move up his body before making contact with those haunted obsidan eyes.

"Why are you crying?" His voice is rough and demanding. I could practically feel mom staring at us from the window. I was not about to give her a good show.

"Annabelle moved out today," I honestly told him, my eyes lazily drifting down and staring at the ground beside him. His body was so tempting.

He moves closer to me, "I'm sorry to hear that," I'm fully aware that we're not far apart now. I can't say I really mind it, but I manage to look into his eyes again.

"I don't like seeing you sad," He scowls, lifting his free hand and wiping my cheek with his thumb. I don't know if he's telling the truth. "How can I make you happy?"

Frowning, I look up at him with my eyebrows raised. "Why would you want to make me happy?" The question is stupid and for a moment, I don't want to hear his answer.

Slowly, his lips curved up, slowly spreading into a breathtaking smile. "I didn't take you for oblivious," He grins, slowly edging closer to me like if he moved to fast, I'd move. Now he was too close, his body towering over mine, a shadow cast over my whole body.

"How are your wrists?" His question is unexpected; random. He lowers his hand to grab both of mine, and raises them higher so he could get a better sight. Black and blue bruises shaped like fingers circled my wrist. I had tried to cover them with make up, but that had rubbed off.

"It's fine," I yank my hands away, but Rocco's already seen them. His whole face seems darker, his pupils dialated from pure fury, jaw clenching and hands fisted.

"My father did that?" His question was asked through clenched teeth, as he stared down at me. Looking into his eyes, it was all darkness. Dark, pitch black eyes. I've never noticed how emotionless they were, how cold and hard they were. They say you can see someones soul from looking into their eyes. All I saw was darkness.

"Rocco," I manage to spit out, "They are just bruises. I can handle it." When his father had grabbed my wrists, Rocco had been the one to save me. I guess he just didn't see how bad the damage was until now.

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